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Hi Helen,

We are sorry to hear about this difficult situation with your husband. It is not uncommon for the partner of a person with dementia to miss intimacy and sexual contact. We recommend you read the information we have on sex and intimacy here:

You might like to talk with other people affected by dementia within our online community, Talking Point. Feel free to browse and read others' experiences, or you can create an account to reply and connect with others who may be going through a similar situation:

We also suggest calling our helpline and talk to one of our Dementia Advisers, who can provide information, advice and support based on your situation. You can call our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. Find more information about the support line, including opening times, here:

Again, we are sorry that you have been struggling, Helen.

We hope this helps.

Alzheimer’s Society Blog Team

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