Good to see this vital piece of information again. Before my father was diagnosed as likely having Lewy Body dementia he had episodes of hallucinations and severe delirium .At first I had no understanding of the causes but I have since realised that admission to chaotic A and E in such circumstances probably rapidly worsens matters . A person is not allowed/ enabled to eat or drink , meaning more dehydration. They may lie on a trolley for hours or days , I struggled to get help there to toilet my father, and if admitted alone I doubt this would have happened at all- so more constipation/urine tract problem. Our NHS has become so wrecked that I do not feel A and E with its noise and chaos is the right place to cater for people with this sort of background. They are then shunted around to an Assessment Unit, rapidly followed by various wards and constant change and more confusion -of staff as well as patient. It is a system guaranteed to make the person's recovery slower and longer than it should be .
Sandra Heard