I am from the US and lost my husband in March of 2022. It all started with numerous kidney stones and pain from those. After a hospital admission where the Dr's. put in stents because he had a "life threatening infection" and didn't remove the source of that infection delirium set in. He was septic, got a bacterial infection, and diagnosed with Vascular dementia that we suspected had been coming on for at least a year. He also had heart disease and recovered from three heart attacks over the last 23 years
The 39 horrible days in the hospital were very, very similar to the accounts I read here, something I had zero experience with. Sadly my husband passed away. I appreciate all the stories shared here and the insight they have given me on subjects I had known nothing about. Knowing others have gone or are going through the same illnesses (uti, sepsis, delirium and vascular dementia) has helped me feel less helpless and despondent and second guessing what I could have done differently.
Debra Purk
saysI am from the US and lost my husband in March of 2022. It all started with numerous kidney stones and pain from those. After a hospital admission where the Dr's. put in stents because he had a "life threatening infection" and didn't remove the source of that infection delirium set in. He was septic, got a bacterial infection, and diagnosed with Vascular dementia that we suspected had been coming on for at least a year. He also had heart disease and recovered from three heart attacks over the last 23 years
The 39 horrible days in the hospital were very, very similar to the accounts I read here, something I had zero experience with. Sadly my husband passed away. I appreciate all the stories shared here and the insight they have given me on subjects I had known nothing about. Knowing others have gone or are going through the same illnesses (uti, sepsis, delirium and vascular dementia) has helped me feel less helpless and despondent and second guessing what I could have done differently.