When I thought my mom had Alzheimer's, I started studying. I decided she had a 'toxic thyroid' and I was right. She had undiagnosed Hyperparathyroidism. In 85% of cases the cause is one, or more, parathyroid adenoma's.. When people have plaque, or vascular disease, even Calcium supplements can cause symptoms like Alzheimer's. So my point is this. Blood tests hold clues. There is always cause and effect. Everything is connected. Nothing happens in a vacuum. High Calcium causes low Acetylcholine, B12, vit D and high LDL cholesterol and blood glucose. The reason more women than men get Alzheimer's is Zinc. Men store it in the sperm, prostate and testes. Zinc is involved in insulin production. I cannot get funding to work on my thesis, so I help folk one-on-one. I was able to reverse my mom's weight loss, return short term memory and stop sugar cravings by the right nutrition and supplemention. I am interested in finding the reason, or causation, behind EOAD.
Mel Oliver