What do the different badges for dementia mean?
Following some confusion over what different blue flower badges represent, here we tackle some common myths about their meaning, who can wear blue flower badges and why.
What does the blue flower badge represent?
The flower is a forget-me-not, a small blue flower that represents remembrance and is long-associated with dementia.
People with dementia may experience memory loss, among other symptoms. This makes the forget-me-not the perfect flower to represent our cause.
The blue flower pin is a symbol for anyone who wants to raise awareness of dementia and support people affected by the condition.

Alzheimer's Society forget-me-not flower pin badges are available in our shop. 100 per cent of our shop profits go towards helping fight dementia.
Why do people wear a forget-me-not pin badge?
Anyone can wear our blue forget-me-not pin badge to show their support for Alzheimer’s Society. Many organisations have flowers, ribbons and other symbols to represent their charity.
A person might wear a forget-me-not badge because a family member or loved one has dementia, or they want to help raise awareness.
It’s best not to make assumptions about why someone might be wearing the pin.
What is the Forget me not Appeal badge?
In 2021, Alzheimer's Society launched the Forget me not Appeal.
This is an annual initiative that encourages people to wear a forget-me-not flower badge for the month of May to raise awareness and vital funds for people affected by dementia.

In May, we ask everyone to join together and support the Forget me not Appeal to raise awareness and money for everyone living with dementia.
Wearing the Forget me not Appeal badge does not mean the wearer has dementia. Supporters of the Forget me not Appeal wear their badge not only to promote awareness of dementia but also in memory of or in tribute to a loved one affected by the condition.
Donate online to the Forget me not Appeal and receive a badge in the post (while stocks last).
If you have any questions about your donation or Forget me not Appeal badge, please call our Supporter Care line on 0330 333 0804.
Is it true that wearing a forget-me-not pin badge means you have dementia?
No, that is not true.
The forget-me-not badge is for anyone to wear to show their support for people affected dementia.
It is a common misconception that the badges are to help identify people living with dementia in public.
If someone is misinformed, it might be helpful to make them aware of this.
People living with dementia can sometimes face stigma and exploitation, which may put them at risk when out in public. If there’s the misconception that only people with dementia wear this badge, this could increase the risk of making them vulnerable.
If a person with dementia wants a discreet way to let others know about their diagnosis while out and about, we have free helpcards available.
Helpcards are an easy way for people with dementia to get help or assistance when out in the community. Personal information can also be added to them, so that people with dementia can get help in the best way for them, and only from people they feel safe around.
What does the Dementia Friend badge mean?
Dementia Friends is a social movement committed to changing how people see dementia.
A Dementia Friend is somebody that learns about dementia so they can help their community. They may choose to wear the badge so they can show support for the movement, or to help others who may need it.

Many Dementia Friends choose to receive and wear their pin badge.
These pin badges aren’t available to buy. Instead, you have the option to receive a badge once you become a Dementia Friend either by attending an Information Session in your community or by joining online. You can become a Dementia Friend here.
Share your badge
Do you have a badge like one of these? Send us a photo of you wearing it with the hashtag #ForgetMeNotBadge and tell us why you wear yours
Karen Smith
saysI have lost my dementia badge, please could I have a replacement thanks
Karen Smith
saysI have lost my dementia badge. How can I get a replacement please? Thankyou
Wendy Hart
saysA lot of people are asking to replace lost badges me included but I have not seen an answer on how to get a replacement. I volunteer as a hospital meet and greet so really need one as I see a large amount of patients. Your help would be appreciated. Thank you.
saysHi Wendy
Wow, we've received a large number of comments within a short space of time! We are going to add the following information to the blog article so everyone is aware:
If you have lost your Dementia Friends badge, please email your details to dementiafriends@alzheimers.org.uk and the Dementia Friends team will do their best to arrange for a replacement to be sent out to you.
We hope this helps.
Alzheimer's Society Blog Team
Debra Goodman
Melanie Ball
saysI have lost my Dementia Friend badge, please can I have a new one?
Victoria Chant
Unfortunately I lost my badge when my jacket was stolen off a chair how do I get a new one please? Thank you
saysI’ve signed up to be a dementia friend and still waiting for my badge I also live with a lady who as dementia
Lianne Ascough
saysHi i never got sent my badge! Please could you send one....my father in law is now in a home it's so sad to remember how he was.I will wear with love and pride.
Joe Hall
saysIt would be great to be able to display the Forget me not badge within a LinkedIn profile.
saysThis is a great idea Joe. I would definitely do this and it would also help spread the message amongst employers.
Lauren Griffiths
saysI have lost my badge... how would I get another I wear mine as My dad has late stage vascular dementia and now in hospital
Shirley page
saysI've lost my badge. Can I please order another
graham vine
saysI done a session but the lady running it had no badges left could I get one please
Julie Wain
saysI have lost my dementia friend badge where can I get a new one as people don't realise that I am a dementia friend and I miss it
Julie Wain
saysI have lost my dementia friend badge and really miss it as now people don't know if am a dementia friend where can I get a new one
Lesley Topalovic
saysI have never had a badge could I order one please I would wear it with pride
amanda wraith
saysmyself and other staff members who registered to become a dementia friend never received a badge could we order some please.