Symptoms of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)

Symptoms of DLB include having difficulties staying focused, experiencing delusions, and having problems with movement and sleep. 

How does dementia with Lewy bodies affect people?

The way someone is affected by DLB will depend partly on where the Lewy bodies are in the brain:

  • Lewy bodies at the base of the brain are closely linked to problems with movement. These are the main feature of Parkinson’s disease.
  • Lewy bodies in the outer layers of the brain are linked to problems with mental abilities, which is a feature of DLB and other types of dementia.

When DLB starts to affect someone, early symptoms may not cause too many difficulties. Gradually though, these get worse and cause problems with everyday living. 

What are the symptoms of dementia with Lewy bodies?

Everyone experiences dementia differently. Both DLB and Alzheimer’s disease can cause:

  • problems with staying focused
  • difficulties with making decisions
  • memory loss
  • problems with the way the person sees things around them.
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However, DLB also causes symptoms that are not usually seen in Alzheimer's disease. These include:

  • hallucinations
  • problems staying fully awake
  • difficulties with movement  
  • very disturbed sleep.

Click on the plus icons to read more about the most common symptoms of DLB.

Symptoms in the later stages of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)

DLB generally progresses over a period of several years. In the later stages of the disease, the person may:

  • start to have more problems with their day-to-day memory
  • become much more easily upset or distressed, resulting in agitation, restlessness, or shouting out
  • walk more slowly and less steadily, causing a higher risk of falling and serious injury
  • have speech and swallowing problems that may lead to chest infections or a risk of choking
  • have problems with eating and drinking – chewing and swallowing may become more difficult, and the person’s stomach and gut may not move food around the body properly, leading to a loss of appetite as well as nausea and discomfort.
Treatment and support for dementia with Lewy bodies

There is currently no cure for DLB, but there are both drug and non-drug treatments that can support the person to live well. 

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