Alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD) - useful organisations
Resources and useful organisations who can support with ARBD.
- Alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD): what is it and who gets it?
- Alcohol-related ‘dementia’
- Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome
- Tips for supporting a person with ARBD
- You are here: Alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD) - useful organisations
Alcohol-related brain damage
Useful organisations
07442 137421
Adfam is a national charity that works with families who are affected by someone’s use of drugs and alcohol. It has an online message board and a database of local support groups.
Alcohol Change UK
020 3907 8480
Alcohol Change UK is a national charity. It works on alcohol issues in England and Wales, campaigning for effective alcohol policy and better services for people whose lives are affected by alcohol-related problems.
Alcoholics Anonymous Great Britain
0800 9177 650
Alcoholics Anonymous provides support for people to recover from alcoholism. You can use the website to find a meeting in your area.
0800 0086 811 (helpline, 10am–10pm every day)
Al-Anon provides support for family members and friends of people who are addicted to alcohol. At regular Al-Anon Family Groups people can share their experiences of living with alcoholism.
0300 123 1110 (9am–8pm Monday –Friday, 11am–4pm Saturday and Sunday)
Drinkline is the national alcohol helpline. Calls to the helpline are free and confidential.
National Association for Children of Alcoholics (Nacoa)
0800 358 3456 (helpline 12am–9pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 12am–7pm Monday, Friday, Saturday, )
The National Association for Children of Alcoholics (Nacoa) has a free and confidential telephone and email helpline for children of parents who are addicted to alcohol.
NHS England Complaints
0300 311 22 33 (8am–6pm Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday, 9.30am–6pm Wednesdays)
NHS England welcomes concerns, compliments and complaints as valuable feedback that will help them learn from your experiences and make improvements to services they commission.
SMART Recovery
0330 053 6022
At SMART Recovery meetings people can get help to decide whether they have a problem, build up their motivation to change, and learn about proven tools and techniques to support their recovery.
We Are With You
With You (previously called Addaction) is a drug and alcohol
treatment charity that has local services across England. It helps
individuals, families and communities to manage the effects of
drug and alcohol misuse.
Review details
Last reviewed: June 2020
Next review due: June 2023
Our information is based on evidence and need, and is regularly updated using quality-controlled processes. It is reviewed by experts in health and social care and people affected by dementia.
Reviewed by: Dr Tony Rao, Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist and Directorate Lead for Dual Diagnosis in Older Adults, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
This information has also been reviewed by people affected by dementia.
To give feedback on this information, or for a list of sources, please contact