Alcohol-related ‘dementia’

Find out about Alcohol-related 'dementia' including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, support and rehabilitation.

What is Alcohol-related 'dementia'?

Alcohol-related 'dementia' is a type of alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD). 

If a person has alcohol-related ‘dementia’ they will struggle with day-to-day tasks. This is because of the damage to their brain, caused by regularly drinking too much alcohol over many years.  

The person may have memory loss and difficulty thinking things through. They may have problems with more complex tasks, such as managing their finances. The symptoms may cause problems with daily life. For example, the person may no longer be able to cook a meal.

What are the symptoms of alcohol-related 'dementia'?

Symptoms include difficulties with:

  • staying focused on a task without becoming distracted
  • solving problems, planning and organising
  • setting goals, making judgements and making decisions
  • being motivated to do tasks or activities (even essential ones like eating or drinking) controlling their emotions – they may become irritable or have outbursts
  • understanding how other people are thinking or feeling (their behaviour may seem insensitive or uncaring).

The symptoms of alcohol-related ‘dementia’ can change a lot from person to person. If a person with the condition has a brain scan, it will often show that some areas of the brain have shrunk much more than others. Alcohol particularly affects the frontal lobes of the brain.

Need more information on mood and behaviour?

Read our advice on supporting a person with dementia who has depression, anxiety or apathy.

Find out more

Talking about alcohol consumption can help

It can be very difficult to diagnose alcohol-related ‘dementia’. If a doctor is unaware of the person drinking too much alcohol over many years, they may not consider alcohol-related ‘dementia’ as a possible diagnosis. The person may not get the right treatment and support, which is why it is important to tell doctors about drinking too much alcohol.

Assessment and diagnosis

Need more information on assessment and diagnosis?

Read our advice on assessment and diagnosis. 

Find out more

Can you get better from alcohol-related 'dementia'?

Unlike Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia, alcohol-related ‘dementia’ is not certain to get worse over time. With the right treatment and support, there is often a good chance that it will stop getting worse or improve.

For example, if the person stops drinking alcohol, takes high doses of thiamine and starts eating a balanced diet. However, if the person keeps drinking alcohol and doesn’t eat well, alcohol-related ‘dementia’ is very likely to get worse.

It is not easy to help a person with alcohol addiction to stop drinking. However, it can be even more challenging when the person has alcohol-related ‘dementia’. Problems with thinking and reasoning (caused by dementia) can prevent a person from understanding that they need to stop drinking.

They may also find it very difficult to stay motivated if they do stop drinking, because losing motivation is a symptom of dementia. 



Support for alcohol-related dementia

After the first part of treatment, a person with alcohol-related ‘dementia’ will need support from different kinds of services.

Firstly, the person is likely to need support to help them stop drinking alcohol. They may be given  special prescription drugs to reduce their craving for alcohol. They will also need to take high-dose thiamine (vitamin B1) tablets and eat a healthy, balanced diet, and have counselling or 'talking therapies'. 

Get support with ARBD

View our list of resources and useful organisations who can support with ARBD.

Get support

What is rehabilitation?

As well as staying alcohol-free, a person with alcohol-related ‘dementia’ will need help to get better. This is known as rehabilitation and is support that is matched to the person’s needs. It works towards goals that the person agrees with a health professional. This could include practising ways to improve their memory, and learning to use memory aids or other supportive technology.

How to access rehabilitation

Rehabilitation may be provided by a dementia service, community mental health team or rehabilitation service for people with a brain injury (for example, following an accident or stroke).The availability of these local services may be different across the country.

How long does rehabilitation take?

A person should usually see the most improvement in their abilities during the first three months after they stop drinking alcohol. However, for some people this improvement could continue for as much as two or three years.