Later stages of dementia - more resources

See other organisations who may be able to help in the later stages of dementia.

Supporting in the later stages of dementia
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Useful organisations

Age UK

0800 169 8787 (general enquiries)
0800 678 1602 (advice line, 8am–7pm every day)[email protected]

Wales – Age Cymru

029 2043 1555 (general enquiries)
0800 022 3444 (advice line, 9am–5pm Monday– Friday)
[email protected]

Northern Ireland – Age NI

028 9024 5729 (general enquiries)
0808 808 7575 (advice line, 8am–7pm every day)

Age UK, Age Cymru and Age NI provide information and advice for older people in the UK.

Carers UK

0808 808 7777 (advice line, 10am–4pm Mondays and Tuesdays)

[email protected] (online discussion forum)

Carers UK provides information and advice to carers about their rights and how to access support.

Dementia UK

0800 888 6678 (helpline)
[email protected]

Dementia UK provides Admiral Nurses to support families living with dementia.

EAC FirstStop

0800 377 7070
[email protected]

FirstStop Advice provides independent, impartial and free advice and information to older people, their families and carers about housing and care options in later life.

Hospice UK

0207 520 8200

Hospice UK is the national charity for hospices in the UK. It provides information and support and can help people find a local hospice.

Office of the Public Guardian (OPG)

0300 456 0300
[email protected]

The OPG protects people in England and Wales who may not have the mental capacity to make certain decisions for themselves, such as about their health and finance.

This is me – a communication tool for care

Wherever the person is cared for, if staff have information about the person and their life, condition, behaviour and routines, they will be able to provide better, person-centred care.

Alzheimer's Society has a support tool called This is me that can be used to record this information for a person who has communication difficulties. When completed, it provides a snapshot of the person with dementia, giving information about them as an individual, such as their specific needs, preferences, likes, dislikes and interests. It is also helpful to communicate regularly with the professionals caring for the person.

Get our 'This is me' tool

You can use our 'This is me' form to help communicate with health and social care professionals.

This is me

More information

Last reviewed: May 2017
Next review due: May 2020

Our information is based on evidence and need, and is regularly updated using quality-controlled processes. It is reviewed by experts in health and social care and people affected by dementia.

Reviewed by: Dr Jacqueline Crowther, Admiral Nurse End of Life Care, Kirkwood Hospice West Yorkshire, Honorary Research Associate University of Liverpool and Catharine Jenkins, Senior Lecturer, Mental Health Nursing, Birmingham City University

To give feedback on this information, or for a list of sources, please email [email protected]

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