Provided by:
Alzheimer's Society
Please contact the service provider for details of any costs.
Meet others who understand what you’re going through at our peer support group. The group is run by a facilitator and offers a chance to ask questions, get information and share experiences in a safe and supportive environment.
Who is this service for?
- People with dementia diagnosed under 65 and their carers, family and friends
What amenities are there?
- Parking on site
- Toilet facilities available
- Accessible
- Refreshments available
When is it available?
Monthly on Tuesday or Wednesday, 9.30am–12.30pm (alternating between venues in East and West Cheshire)
Please contact the service provider for more information.
Contact and location
0300 369 0570
(Office opening times:
Monday-Friday, 09:00-17:00)