Forget Me Not

Provided by:

Loughborough Baptist Church


Please contact the service provider for details of any costs.

The group meets for coffee and brunch. The carers are able to go to a different room where they can relax, talk and take the opportunity to share experiences and support one another. A range of activities are available for people living with dementia to join in with, if they wish. The activities are tailored to suit individual needs as much as possible. The aim is to generate positive feelings for all.

Who is this service for?

  • People with dementia and their carers

What amenities are there?

  • Parking on site
  • Toilet facilities available
  • Accessible
  • Refreshments available

When is it available?

For opening times please contact the service provider.

Please contact the service provider for more information.

Contact and location

Where to find us

9-10 Baxter Gate,
Loughborough LE11 1TG

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