Provided by:
Alzheimer's Society
Please contact the service provider for details of any costs.
Our Side by Side service helps you keep doing the things you love most, whether that’s going to the football, enjoying a trip to the cinema or jogging around the park. Our Side by Side volunteers are here to empower you to enjoy your life to the full, and even try new things. By regularly meeting up, you can share the things you love doing together, and make a big difference to each other’s lives.
Who is this service for?
- People with Dementia Only
- People registered with a Bristol GP
What amenities are there?
- No parking available
- No toilet facilities available
- Not accessible
- No refreshments available
When is it available?
Mutually agreed times between the person with dementia and the Side by Side volunteer
Please contact the service provider for more information.
Contact and location
07872 866501
(Office opening times:
Monday-Friday, 09:00-17:00)