UK organisations release new dementia manifesto ahead of General Election

UK dementia organisations have joined forces to publish a new dementia manifesto ahead of the General Election on 4 July 2024.

Alzheimer’s Society, alongside Dementia UK, Alzheimer’s Research UK, the UK Dementia Research Institute, and Alzheimer Scotland have joined forces to create ‘Dementia: a manifesto’ calling on the next UK Government to make dementia the priority it needs to be.

Read the full dementia manifesto

The joint manifesto calls on the next UK Government to make dementia a priority.

Read now

Dementia is the UK’s biggest killer and is the defining health and social care challenge of our time. However, despite what many believe, dementia is not an inevitable part of aging.  

There are currently 982,000 people living with dementia in the UK, yet hundreds of thousands of people do not have a formal diagnosis, remaining in the dark about their condition and locked out of care, support and the treatment opportunities that research brings.

For those who are diagnosed there remains no cure - the care and treatment options that exist are often disjointed, inaccessible and inadequate for people with dementia and their families and carers.

Together, we are calling on the next UK Government to:    

  • Better understand how to prevent, reduce and delay dementia    
  • Increase access to diagnosis and treatment    
  • Help people living with dementia navigate support systems    
  • Create a care system that works for everyone    
  • Invest in the future of dementia research.

Join us and show the next UK Government that they have the chance to take action. Share our calls and help us transform the course of dementia over this next Parliament and beyond. #DementiaCoalition