Carers UK’s ‘State of Caring 2021’ report – Alzheimer’s Society responds

Alzheimer’s Society has commented on Carers UK’s ‘State of Caring 2021’ report. The report is a snapshot of unpaid care in the UK this year. Alzheimer’s Society estimates there are 700,000 unpaid carers of people living with dementia in the UK. 

Fiona Carragher, Director of Research and Influencing at Alzheimer's Society, said:

‘Unpaid carers of people with dementia, around 700,000 people, are part of the backbone of the care sector, but these unsung heroes are being pushed to breaking point. They face a constant battle to support their loved one’s increasing needs, exacerbated by the pandemic – the hours they spend selflessly caring have now risen to around 1.3 billion a year trying their exhausted best to give people with dementia the quality of life they deserve.    
‘This is no surprise to us – two-thirds of unpaid carers we surveyed last year told us they desperately needed more support to protect their wellbeing. They’re worn out, stressed, and struggling to make ends meet, as many have had to stop work or reduce their working hours due to greater caring responsibilities. 
‘The need for investment in carers’ support is more acute than ever. People must be supported properly through the introduction of measures to ensure carers are identified earlier as well as provision of respite for them, as part of any new reform plans from the Government.’

Read Carers UK’s ‘State of Caring 2021’ report.

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