Memory strategies
Read about different strategies you could try to help you cope with memory problems.
The memory handbook
People remember things in different ways. This means some strategies will work better for some people. Try them out and see which ones work best for you. See if other people can help you with some of these strategies.
A problem-solving approach
When applying strategies for remembering things, you might find it helpful to follow these steps:
Identify the problem
Example: ‘I sometimes forget people’s names.’ -
Decide how much it matters to you
Example: ‘It happens a lot. It can be embarrassing’. (It may be that some things matter a great deal, like forgetting a close friend’s name. But will it really matter much if you forget the name of a celebrity who you’re unlikely to meet?) - Think about how you might help yourself
Example: ‘I could carry a small photo album with people’s names next to their photos or save them as contacts with photos in my mobile phone. Or I could tell people I’m a bit forgetful, ask for their name, and then repeat it in conversation.’ (Other examples are given below) - Practise your strategies and see what works for you
Rehearse your strategies with a close friend or partner. They can support you to learn. You will then feel more confident when you go out.
Using mental pictures
Jogging your memory
Working memory struggles the most when it is under pressure. Calmly try the following suggestions to jog your memory in different situations, such as when:
- You lose something at home
Try picturing yourself when you used it last and visualise where you put it down.
- You go into a room and you’re not able to remember why you went there
Try to picture where you were when you decided to go to the room. Retracing your footsteps in person (or in your mind) can help you to recover your train of thought.
- You prepare food and you’re not able to remember the ingredients you need
Try picturing yourself cooking the food and using all the ingredients you need for that particular dish. Going through the alphabet can help you remember the names of different ingredients.
Using words and rhymes
Words and rhymes can also help you to remember people’s names.
Try thinking of words that start with the same letter as the person’s name:
Pleasant Peter
Funny Fiona
Pretty Penny
Smiley Sunita
You could also think of words that rhyme with the person’s name. For example:
Tall Paul
Merry Terry
Jolly Molly
Carer Sarah
Some people make up their own rhymes, songs or sayings to help them remember facts and numbers. Here are some techniques people told us they use:
Free Helpcards
If you have memory problems, our free Helpcards can make it easier to get help or assistance when you're out in the community.
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Some people can picture things and places in their mind to learn and remember:
For example: How can you remember a PIN so that you can get money from a cash machine? Imagine the numbers making a letter or shape on the number pad.
You could try making a picture in your mind from something in the person’s name. For example:
You can have a lot of fun with these kinds of reminders. The more funny or unusual they are, the more likely you are to remember them.
You could link the person’s most prominent feature with your mental picture of them. Glasses, long curly hair, or something they often wear (such as a particular hat or jumper) could be good things to focus on.
You could also try linking the person with other people who have the same name – for example, ‘This person has the same name as my favourite film star, Charlie.’
Try these helpful tips:
For help with remembering health professionals who visit you, you could use My visitors book. This provides a written record to remind you of their names, job roles and what was discussed.