Cymraeg — Dementia information in Welsh
We produce online and printed dementia information, advice and support in Welsh (Cymraeg).
Adnabod dementia / Recognising dementia
- Beth yw dementia? / What is dementia?
PDF printable version - Newidiadau sy'n digwydd â dementia / Changes that happen with dementia
PDF printable version - Beth yw Clefyd Alzheimer? / What is Alzheimer’s disease?
PDF printable version - Beth yw dementia fasgwlaidd? / What is vascular dementia?
PDF printable version - Rhestr o symptomau dementia posibl / Checklist of possible dementia symptoms
PDF printable version
Byw gyda dementia / Living with dementia
- Newidiadau mewn ymddygiad / Changes in behaviour
PDF printable version - Y dreth gyngor / Council Tax
PDF printable version - Triniaethau gan therapyddion a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill / Treatments from therapists and other professionals
PDF printable version - Meddyginiaethau i helpu â'r cof a'r meddwl / Medicines to help with memory and thinking
PDF printable version - Cymorth i bobl sydd â dementia / Help and support for people with dementia
PDF printable version - Rheoli arian a gwneud penderfyniadau / Managing money and making decisions
PDF printable version - Ymdopi â cholli cof / Coping with memory loss
PDF printable version - Aros yn iach ac egnïol pan fydd dementia arnoch chi / Staying healthy and active when you have dementia
PDF printable version
Helpu rhywun sydd â dementia / Helping someone with dementia
- Gofal seibiant yng Nghymru / Respite care in Wales
PDF printable version - Talu am ofal a chymorth yng Nghymru / Paying for care and support in Wales
PDF printable version - Cyfathrebu ag unigolyn sydd â dementia / Communicating with a person with dementia
PDF printable version - Cymorth i bobl sy'n gofalu am rywun sydd â dementia / Support for people who look after someone with dementia
PDF printable version
Dyma fi - This is me (bilingual)
'Dyma fi' is a simple leaflet for anyone receiving professional care who is living with dementia or experiencing delirium or other communication difficulties.
Read Dyma fi online / Download a printable version
Y canllaw dementia - The dementia guide (Welsh/Cymraeg)
'Y canllaw dementia' is for anyone who has recently been told they have dementia. It will also be useful to the friends and family of someone with a recent diagnosis.
Read Y canllaw dementia online / Download a printable version
Printed copies of information in Welsh
You can request to receive a free, printed copy of our information through our online form. Alternatively, for multiple copies, please email
Cael gwybodaeth wedi'i phersonoli yn y Gymraeg / Get personalised information in Welsh
Rhowch alwad i'n llinell gymorth 03300 947 400 am wybodaeth a chymorth.
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