Activity ideas for people with dementia

If you've recently been diagnosed with dementia, there are many ways to keep active and involved. Here are some dementia-friendly activities you can do at home, in the community, and through Alzheimer's Society.

Keeping active and involved
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Activity ideas for people with dementia at home

You can get involved in a number of routine and leisure activities in and around the home. These are just a few ideas. Some will be familiar and there may be others that you have not tried before.

Cooking, household tasks and gardening

You can keep – or start – cooking, as long as it is safe for you. If it becomes difficult, there are some small changes that can make things easier.

For example, you can:

  • ask someone to help you in the kitchen
  • try recipes that have fewer steps or ingredients
  • use pre-prepared ingredients such as ready-made
  • sauces or chopped vegetables.

Many jobs around the home also provide a good form of gentle exercise and can help you to keep physically active. These include:

  • doing housework – for example, washing up, folding clothes or dusting
  • gardening – for example, gently weeding the garden, maintaining houseplants, or growing herbs or flowers in window boxes.

You can ask someone to do these tasks with you if this makes them more enjoyable or easier.

Tip: It can be helpful to put out the things you need before starting a task so that you have a visual prompt – for example, tools for gardening or ingredients for cooking.

Hobbies and pastimes

There are many creative activities and crafts that you can still enjoy or try out at home. These include:

  • painting
  • playing an instrument
  • knitting
  • writing.

Continuing any hobbies and interests like this can help you to maintain your skills and self-confidence after your diagnosis.

Music and singing can be very powerful ways to relive memories, and music is also used as a form of therapy.

Music therapy is enjoyable and can improve your mental wellbeing. You can find a qualified music therapist in your area on the British Association for Music Therapy website.

Any activity that exercises your mind is also good for you. For example, you might enjoy:

  • reading
  • board games
  • crossword puzzles
  • online games or apps.

If games and puzzles get difficult, you can try games made specifically for people with dementia, such as jigsaws with larger pieces, and a range of touchscreen apps. You can find activities and games on our shop or see useful organisations for more information.

If you like to read but are finding it difficult, you can try switching to audio versions of books, newspapers and magazines. A friend or family member might also be able to help, and you might also find a local poetry or reading group where members read aloud.

Five online activity ideas for people living with dementia

Heather O’Neil is always looking for new craft and activity ideas for her mum, who has mixed dementia. As the condition progresses, she’s been using online tools to keep Mum active and happy.

Get activity ideas

More ways to stay active and involved at home

Activity ideas for people with dementia outside the home

Being outside can benefit your health in many ways, including lowering stress, increasing your mood and improving your overall wellbeing.

Outside activities range from walking in nature to shopping or attending community events. It’s important to choose what you enjoy and there is lots of support available to help you to do this.

You may feel less confident about going out after your diagnosis. However, there are things that can help you feel prepared and supported. For example:

  • Ask a family member or friend to go with you.
  • Take time to think about anything you need to do beforehand or prepare – for example do you need to book ticket in advance, will you need to take food or drink with you, and is there anything you need to bring from home to help you feel safe and comfortable?
  • Plan how you’ll get to and from your destination – it can be useful to make a note of bus routes and train times, as well as stations where you will need to get on or off public transport. If you are driving, try to find out where you can park.
  • Find out what services are available at the destination – for example, whether they have seating, a café or toilets.
  • Consider what time of day to go out – you might find quieter(off-peak) times are more comfortable for you to travel and visit places.
  • Find out what support is available and make a note of any phone numbers you might need.
  • It may be helpful to look up a map or images of the venue online first so that you are familiar with the space.
  • Use helpcards – these are small cards that show people that you have some difficulties and how they can help you. You can also record emergency contact details on them. You can order our helpcards online or by calling 0300 303 5933.

You could also speak with your GP about ‘social prescribing’. This is a way for health professionals to refer people to community-based support and activities.

Ideas for getting out and about

Getting involved through Alzheimer's Society

Alzheimer’s Society offers many opportunities for you to keep active and involved. This includes volunteering your time in different ways.

These activities can give you the chance to meet other people, share your experiences, learn new skills and make a difference.

Here are some examples of what you can do.

Have your say with Dementia Voice

Dementia Voice is our programme for including people with dementia in our work. You can review our publications, help us recruit staff, give your feedback on our services, and much more. 

Make your community more dementia friendly

Join or create a local community group to raise awareness of dementia and encourage more people, groups and organisations to support people with dementia better. To find out more email

Take part in research

Register with Join Dementia Research to be part of a local dementia study – for example, testing a new dementia service or treatment. You can sign up online or by calling Alzheimer’s Society on 0333 150 3456.

Or you can join Alzheimer’s Society Research Network where you can help us pick research projects to fund. For more information email or call 020 7423 3656.

Stay connected with our magazine

Keep in touch by reading Dementia together magazine in print or online, or listening to the CD version or podcast. Here you’ll find real-life stories from people affected by dementia, activity ideas and tips for living well. 

Get involved in fundraising events

Contact your local fundraising team to find out what’s happening in your area. You can take part or help out at a range of events from marathons and memory walks to carol concerts and quizzes. 

How to be more physically active

If you or a loved one has dementia, physical activity can improve your quality of life. Find out how to stay active at any stage of dementia.

Read our advice
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