Share your diagnosis story

We want to show decision-makers across the UK the realities of seeking a dementia diagnosis. 

Share yours or a loved one's diagnosis story today and we'll add it to our story wall.

Let's make dementia a priority.

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My husband was diagnosed with Early Onset Dementia at the age of 59, 4 years ago. We are fortunate to be under the wings of an NHS Research Team, who made the...
My husband, aged 64 had been feeling anxious about forgetting how to do parts of his job and spoke with our GP. He was sent for a brain scan and eventually had the...
My partner is 57 and was diagnosed last July the day before my birthday, I literally felt my blood run cold when they told us. No one else in the family has it so...
When My wonderful wife began exhibiting signs of dementia around eight years ago. Her memory issues were often overshadowed by her osteoarthritis. When the consultant...
We waited seven years for an accurate diagnosis. I...
My mum was diagnosed with dementia in 2018. She had vascular dementia she was 85 when diagnosed and died in 2023. I noticed things weren’t right and took her to the...
My dear Dad had dementia, his condition getting worse. So I went to see my dad at his home, he was not there, he had been taken away to a home . No one had told ,...
My mum Dorothy had a diagnosis by her doctor for...
We noticed things were changing with Mum about 10...
My mother, Betty had Alzheimer's and died 12 years...
My husband was showing signs of dementia so we saw our doctor who agreed and was arranging for him to see the neurologist for a diagnosis. That was last July 2023. If...
supporter photo
I started looking after my dad at 22 years old. I...

Share your diagnosis story

Share your diagnosis experiences with us, so we can show decision makers the realities and issues people are facing.

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