Share your story

If you're ready to tell your story, we want your voice to be heard.

Help bring dementia out from behind closed doors and tell us, what is your reality of dementia?

It will take society to beat dementia. We’ll take your stories to those who need to hear them most, to help make dementia the political priority it deserves to be.

Share your story now
Dementia Action Week supporter
My mum had been forgetting places, people, things and...
Our story started just before Covid 2019 when our mum...
Dementia Action Week supporter
My story is about my lovely mum Christine who died on...
My husband was diagnosed with vascular dementia in November 2019. Since that time I have watched my clever, University Professor deteriorate day by day. This awful...
My mum had dementia when I was in my twenties, it was never diagnosed my anyone it was just like she forgets things. If only I had known I would have asked her a lot...
My mum was diagnosed with mixed dementia at the end of 2021, although in hindsight we first noticed the symptoms at the end of 2019. During lockdown, we were only able...
Dementia Action Week supporter
My wonderful loving mum, who had an OBE for Services...
After 7 years of caring for mum she died. I never got a formal diagnosis as mum refused to re attend the Memory Clinic, after an initial MCI diagnosis. I suspect this...
My husband was diagnosed with Altzheimers and...
My brother had Alzheimer’s, died Boxing Day 2022, it was sad to see his decline but his wife managed to keep him at home, my wish is that there is more help for...
This is slightly of point, but i work for a building society and come across dementia customers daily , our branch is really very good at identifying any transactions...
During Covid my dad got his diagnosis, I couldn’t meet his needs on my own due to having a stroke, carers were coming in x2 3 times a day, they only worked with him...

Share your story

Help bring dementia out from behind closed doors and tell us, what is your reality of dementia?

Share your story now