Payroll Giving

Make payday the best day of the month with Payroll Giving. Your generous gift each month helps to fund support for people living with dementia.

a woman in an office sitting at a desk and typing on a laptop

What is a Payroll Giving donation?

Payroll Giving is a charitable donation available for all PAYE employees and is taken directly from your pay. This makes it one of the easiest ways to give to Alzheimer's Society and support people affected by dementia every time you are paid.

Your donation will be taken from your payroll after National Insurance but before tax every month so we receive more at no extra cost to you. This means it costs you less to give.

Are you an employer interested in setting up the Payroll giving scheme for your employees?

Payroll giving for employers

How much will I pay?

20% tax band

  • If you donate £5 a month, you will pay £4
  • If you donate £10 a month , you will pay £8
  • If you donate £15 a month, you will pay £12

40% tax band

  • If you donate £5 a month, you will pay £3
  • If you donate £10 a month, you will pay £6
  • If you donate £15 a month, you will pay £9

Learn about the tax break for payroll givers on the HMRC website.

Why should I give through Payroll Giving?

  • Every time I get paid I can support the cause I really care about
  • My employer can match my donation
  • My chosen charity receives more at no extra cost to me
  • It’s convenient as no bank details are required and it’s easy to set up
  • It’s tax-efficient 
  • I can support more than one charity through an easy method
  • Your gift can be changed and stopped at anytime
  • You can feel safe knowing no bank details are required

How does Payroll Giving work?

  1. Let us know how much you want to give, your tax band and where you work
  2. We take care of everything and contact your employer to set up your gift
  3. Your gift is taken off pre-tax on your salary each payday
  4. Alzheimer’s Society receives your generous gift and helps us help people affected by dementia

How to set up Payroll Giving:

1.    Set up your gift by filling in a form. It is also available through the PFO (Professional Fundraising Organisation) who potentially promoted it at your office.
2.    We contact your employer.
3.    Your donation is taken directly from your salary and we receive at least 25% more on top in tax.

What will my donation to Alzheimer's Society support?

Today, there are over 850,000 people across the UK living with dementia – but we are only able to reach one in ten who need support. And there is still no cure. But we cannot do this without you. 

£6 a month could fund a Telephone Dementia Adviser to answer a call from an isolated person with dementia, allowing them to receive emotional and practical support.

  • Dementia Advisers offer tailored information and advice such as linking people with local professionals and services.
  • 91% of people affected by dementia say having a Dementia Adviser makes their life better.

£10 a month could pay for a Companion Call to an isolated person to chat, check on their wellbeing, and refer them to other services if needed. 

  • With your help we can put a virtual arm around the shoulders of people with dementia and let them know they are not facing this crisis alone. 

£15 a month could pay for over 88 visits to Talking Point - the online community – which can be cathartic and helpful. 

  • It’s free, open day and night and can be accessed online so anyone affected by dementia can receive valuable support.
  • Whether it's emotional support or practical solutions on offer, the community is there to lend a helping hand.

Payroll Giving FAQs

Yellow square logo with heart in the centre. text reads: 'Payroll giving month February 2023 #PayrollGivingMonth'