Gifts in Wills Events

Join us for a series of Gifts in Wills Events taking place this summer.

Ground-breaking research into dementia diagnoses and treatments, and vital care services for those living with dementia is only possible thanks to gifts in Wills.

At our events you will learn more about the impact this generosity makes, how it funds local services supporting people living with dementia in your area, and our pioneering research and recent breakthroughs.  You'll get to meet fellow supporters who have decided to leave a gift in their Will, and find out more about this incredible way of giving. We'll also cover how we can help you write or update your Will with our Will writing offers. 

Lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day, therefore we will be requesting your dietary requirements. 

venue, staff and lunch for summer events 2024

Discover the Gifts in Wills events taking place near you

16 July 2024 - Bridges Centre, Monmouth - now has a waiting list

17 July 2024 - i360 Attenborough Birch Room, Brighton - now has a waiting list

17 July 2024 -  Hatfield House, Hatfield - now has a waiting list

18 July 2024 - Washingborough Hall Hotel, Lincoln - now has a waiting list

Why are gifts in Wills important?

A gift in your Will is a legacy to future generations and an investment towards a world where dementia no longer devastates lives.

Request your free guide to gifts in Wills where you can learn more about the impact that gifts in Wills can provide for people living with dementia. 
