Guidance for executors

Our Legacy Case team are experienced in dealing with all probate administration matters and welcome the opportunity to work with Executors to make the process as straightforward as possible.

Alzheimer’s Society is extremely grateful for the kind legacies our supporters leave us in their Wills.

Getting in touch

Please contact our specialist Legacy Case Team by email, phone 0370 011 0290, or post:

Alzheimer’s Society
Legacy Case Team
Suite 2, 1st Floor East Wing
Plumer House
Tailyour Road 

How to pay in a legacy

Step 1

You will need to provide the following details to

  • The full name and title of the deceased
  • Their last address
  • The date of death
  • The Executor’s name and contact details
  • A copy of the Will
  • Any information about the reason for the legacy.

Your details as executor will not be added to any mailing lists as a result of contacting us about a legacy.

Step 2

Please send payments by bank transfer to the following account:

Account name: Alzheimer’s Society

Account number:  91304666

Sort code: 40-07-14

Bank address: 593-599 Fulham Road, London SW6 5UA

Please use the reference “Legacies – [Surname of Deceased]” so we can identify the payment when it is made.

Alternatively, should you wish to send a cheque, we request that the cheque be made payable to ‘Alzheimer’s Society’. Please send the cheque to

Alzheimer’s Society
Legacy Case Team
Suite 2, 1st Floor East Wing
Plumer House
Tailyour Road 

Gift of a specific amount

Where Alzheimer’s Society has generously been left a specific sum of money (for instance £1,000) please provide us with the following information:

  • The Executors name and contact details
  • The deceased’s full name
  • The deceased’s last address (this will also allow us to stop future mailings being sent to the property)
  • A copy of the Will
  • Any information about the reason for the legacy

Please rest assured that your details as executor will not be added to any mailing lists as a result of contacting us about a legacy.

Gifts of a share in the residuary estate

Where Alzheimer’s Society has kindly been left a percentage of an estate, otherwise known as a residual share, the procedure for dealing with these gifts are often more complex. As a residual beneficiary we will require additional information before the legacy is paid to us.

It’s helpful to make contact with us as early as possible so we may discuss the administration with you and provide you with helpful guidance where necessary.

  • The Executors name and contact details  
  • The deceased’s full name
  • The deceased’s last address – this will also allow us to stop future mailings being sent to the property
  • A copy of the Will
  • A schedule of the Assets and Liabilities at the date of death
  • If the deceased owned any property, details of the property and two or more valuations
  • A copy of the final Estate Accounts at the end of administration

Tax exemption

Alzheimer’s Society is exempt from inheritance tax and capital gains tax. We can also often reclaim income tax. These rules can be complicated so please speak to a member of our team if you are unsure of how to go about applying these exemptions, or alternatively consult a professional.