Three trekkers stand atop a hill with a country vista in the background

Kent Downs 50

Event Type Trek, jog or run
Date 12 October 2024
Location Kent
Registration Fee £20 - £139 depending on option chosen
Fundraising Target £70 - £360 depending on option chosen
Distance Options 25km or 50km
Organiser Action Challenge

Choose a charity sponsorship place and get 50% off your registration fee - just select Alzheimer's Society as your charity on signup!

The Challenge

Taking in some of the best views that Kent has to offer including the North Downs Way to Bluebell Hill, picturesque Aylesford, the Len Valley walk to Leeds Castle, and the surrounding countryside, this challenge gives you a real sense of pride. As you stride up and down hills, along paths and through fields, you'll know you're bringing help and hope to everyone living with dementia.

With Alzheimer's Society, an official partner on this event, you get a 50% discount on the ‘Full Sponsorship’ registration fee when signing up to support us.


You only need to raise half of the fundraising target 3 weeks ahead of the Kent Downs 50 Challenge to confirm your place - you can then top up the rest during, and after, the challenge!

Charity sponsorship - pay a small registration fee and do lots of fundraising!
Remember you only need to raise half of the fundraising target to confirm your place.

50km Challenge - £30 registration fee + £360 in fundraising

25km Challenge - £20 registration fee + £240 in fundraising

Mixed Funding - pay a higher contribution to the cost of your place and fundraise less

50km Challenge - £75 registration fee + £225 in fundraising

25km Challenge - £50 registration fee + £150 in fundraising

Don't worry, we're on hand to help you reach your goal, with lots of fundraising materials at the ready! Please get in touch for a chat if you have any questions, we're always happy to hear from you.


For further information about the challenge, its inclusions and FAQs, please visit the official organiser's website or email mailto:[email protected].

If you have any fundraising questions, you can get in touch with a member of the Events team by getting in touch on the contacts below, and we will be delighted to help.

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