We’re challenging you to run 80km across January.

Stuck in a running rut? Training for your first 10km? Or setting your sights on a half marathon? Whatever your goal, you can achieve it. 

The Run for Dementia challenge asks you to run 80km across January. 

Simply sign up for free, set up a fundraising page and pop on those trainers! All funds raised through your efforts will support people across the UK living with dementia. 

When you raise £150 for Alzheimer's Society, you'll receive a medal in the post. Raise £300 and we'll send you an Alzheimer's Society running top as a thank you for your support. 

How far will you go for dementia?

Join our Run for Dementia Facebook community for support and tips from other runners. 

The rules

  • It's free to take part and no fundraising target. We'd encourage every participant to aim for £150 and earn their medal.
  • Track your distance using your phone, smart watch or other device. You can link your Strava app or Fitbit to your JustGiving fundraising page to keep your friends and family up to date.
  • You're responsible for tracking your own mileage. 

What your fundraising will support

  • £300 means over 1,800 people can access Talking Point, our online forum. Here people can learn from each other experiences, share their frustrations and their knowledge of local services.
  • £95 provides a telephone-based Dementia Adviser for a full day. Providing essential support to those affected by dementia
  • £15 turns four ordinary citizens into superhero Dementia Friends! There is a stigma attached to living with dementia and Dementia Friends facilitates societal change, helping people understand the impact on people’s lives

Why you should join our running challenge

  • The health benefits – running can increase stamina, strength and aerobic fitness. It’s also a fun way to get fit
  • Burn calories – running can help you maintain a healthy weight and keep active
  • Take part when and where you want - this challenge is a great way to stay motivated and keep up your daily exercise. Take part in your local area or if you’ve got a treadmill, take part at home.
  • Help us beat dementia – The money you raise from this challenge will help fund a range of important services to help people affected by dementia


We’re challenging everyone to run 80km across January.  You can track your distance each day using a smart watch or your phone. If you’d like to increase the distance and set a higher target, that’s completely up to you!

No it's free to take part!

You can set your own target, we suggest £150.

Everyone who raises £150 will be posted an Alzheimer's Society medal, everyone who raises £300 will be posted an Alzheimer's Society top. (UK residents only).

You can track your distance however you wish. Use your favourite app or make a tally.

If you use Strava or Fitbit, you can link your account to your JustGiving page to track your activities and share your progress with your supporters. When viewing your page, scroll down to the Fitness Activity box and click Connect with Strava or Connect with Fitbit. See the full instructions for Strava here and for Fitbit here.

Only connect once you're ready to start your challenge as all of your activities will upload to your page. Once setup you can change your settings by clicking Manage Strava/Fitbit Settings found in the same Fitness Activity box on your fundraising page. This will let you pick what information you share on your page.

If you don't use Strava or Fitbit, you'll find a button to Add manual data in the Fitness Activity box, under the Connect with Strava button. You can manually add your activities to keep your supporters updated on your progress and track your total activity.

See JustGiving's help pages here if you're having a problem connecting.

All UK residents who raise £150 or more on their JustGiving fundraising page will receive a special medal in the post to say thank you.

We'll send out one medal per fundraising page setup, if you would like additional medals please get in touch.

You don't need to do anything to claim your medal, we'll pop it in the post. We send out medals in the last week of each month, so your medal should arrive within 4-6 weeks of you hitting the £150 target. If it's been longer than 6 weeks and you haven't heard from us, please pop us an email so we can help to [email protected].

Please set up a Just Giving page to fundraise. All income is transferred directly to us. You will be able to share your progress on Facebook and Twitter too.

We will also provide fundraising tips and support throughout your journey. We ask you to get any final donations over to us within a month of completing your challenge.  

You can download a fundraising pack here. We can of course send more copies in the post if you need them - simply email us at [email protected] to request this.  

The money you raise will make a big difference to the lives of many affected by dementia. We fund essential support services for people living with dementia and their carers, as well as funding research to find a cure.

To find out more you can visit our website at www.alzheimers.org.uk.

You can pay offline donations into your fundraising page, you also have the option to collect sponsorship via our sponsorship form or by sending us a cheque. Please view the full list on how to send in your offline donations.

All UK residents who raise £300+ on their JustGiving page will get a free breathable running top. We'll be in touch once you've hit this target to ask for your preferred size.

If you've hit £300 and not heard from us, please email [email protected] with your size (XS/S/M/L/XL/XXL) so we can order one for you.

Or you can buy running kit in our shop.

Of course! Join our Facebook group to get chatting.

Prefer Strava? Join the Strava group here.

Download our 8 top running tips and our training guide here.

If you need further help, please email our professional running coaches for free advice. Contact them on [email protected].

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