Tips for collecting sponsorship money and donations

Advice and tips for collecting sponsorship money and donations after your event.

Congratulations - you completed your event! It's now time to start collecting those pledges and donations.

We appreciate that this final part of your fundraising can be difficult and time consuming, so thank you in advance for your time and perseverance. We hope that you will find the following tips helpful.

Tips for collecting donations

Give advanced warning

Send an email to colleagues letting them know you have finished the event and warn them you will be round to collect their sponsorship shortly. This will remind them to get cash or bring their chequebooks in. If you can, wait until pay day as sponsors may be even more generous. 

Use your donation form

Please remember to include a copy of the donation form from your fundraising pack with any cheques or sponsorship forms you send to us. It is very hard for us to track where your money has come from if you forget this.

Gift Aid it!

Please encourage your sponsors or donors to tick the Gift Aid box on your sponsorship forms. Gift Aid means that for every £1 given, the Society will receive an extra 25p from the HM Revenue & Customs. In order for us to claim Gift Aid, sponsors need to write down their full address including postcode. Please do let them know that we do not use sponsor's details for marketing or fundraising purposes. You need to send your sponsor forms to us with your fundraising.

Collect online donations

If your sponsors or donors are not people you see regularly, suggest that they make their donation via your JustGiving page. Online donations come directly to the Society, saving time for you and your donors.

Write a newsletter

Send a one-page newsletter or email to everyone who pledged a donation. Include a photograph of yourself taking part in the challenge or of your fundraising event - wearing your Alzheimer's Society T-shirt or vest if possible!

Frequently asked questions

Who should cheques be made payable to?

Make cheques payable to Alzheimer's Society. If your donors make cheques payable to you, you should bank the funds and send us a cheque for the total you have been given. Remember to send your donation form along with your cheque!

Can I send cash?

It is not safe to send cash, particularly coins, in the post. If people give you cash, you can pay this into your own bank account and send us a cheque for the total, or take the cash to a post office and get a postal order payable to the Alzheimer's Society.

Where can I get a sponsorship form?

Download your sponsorship form.

Contact us

Good luck collecting your sponsorship and donations. If you need any advice or assistance please do not hesitate to contact the events team on or 0330 333 0804.

Pay in your fundraising money

Find out how to send in money from a fundraising event or activity for Alzheimer's Society.

Pay in your money