Dementia-friendly resources

Make your local organisation dementia-friendly

Local organisations can make a big difference for people with dementia and their carers by making a commitment to become more dementia-friendly and taking action in three key areas: People, Process and Place.

From visiting a local high street to engaging with emergency services, each interaction for a person affected by dementia can pose unique barriers. But many of these challenges can be reduced by making some small changes. 

People: awareness and training

Being aware of dementia and understanding how you and your employees can support both customers and colleagues will help to enable a more customer-focused environment.

Process: customer support and signposting

Living with dementia or caring for someone with dementia can be a particularly challenging experience. Supporting your staff, volunteers or customers through this time by changing your processes could improve staff retention, reduce costs and increase employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Place: physical environment and wider community

Making a few small changes, such as ensuring clear signage within your premises, can significantly improve accessibility for many people — including those affected by dementia.

Contact us

Get in touch with our enquiries team to find out more about what your organisation can do to support people with dementia.

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