Dementia-friendly finance

Find out how financial services can become more dementia-friendly by reading our information and downloading your free resource.

Man at cash point

The symptoms of dementia can make interactions with financial service providers difficult, particularly if a person experiences forgetfulness or difficulty following processes.

This can have significant consequences – for example forgetting to pay a bill could result in debts. With support and adjustments from financial service providers, people affected by dementia can continue to independently manage their finances and access insurance that meets their needs.

The dementia-friendly finance guide highlights the many ways finance and insurance companies can transform themselves to better support people affected by dementia, so they can live and participate in their local community.

‘[The bank] didn’t ask me how they could support me. I have now left [the bank]. I had been with them since I was 18 and registered at university in Cambridge.

The bank should appreciate that I have dementia, and they should be able to signpost and offer me support. They made it extremely difficult for me to continue to interact with them.’

- Mark, living with dementia

Dementia-friendly financial guide

This free resource is full of dementia-friendly tips and advice for any size of financial service

Get your copy

Dementia-friendly financial guide

This free resource is full of dementia-friendly tips and advice for any size of financial service

Get your copy