Abstract submission guidelines
Read the guidelines for the 2020 Alzheimer's Society Annual conference abstract submission process below.
Please adhere to the guidelines below when completing your submission. Abstracts that meet these guidelines will be more likely to be successful than those that don't.
- Abstracts should NOT focus on a specific geographical area, unless they can be deemed applicable to other areas.
- Abstracts should focus on broadly appealing topics rather than especially niche areas.
- Abstracts to be considered for oral presentation should propose respected, well-known speakers or partners, if applicable.
- Abstracts should be written in plain English for a lay audience. Alzheimer's Society encourages use of dementia friendly language. The language guidelines produced by Alzheimer's Australia in collaboration with people living with dementia provide guidance on writing your abstract and presenting at our conference.
- Abbreviations should be defined.
- Please ensure your abstract does not contain spelling or grammatical errors. Where abstracts are reproduced they will be done so exactly as submitted.
- Abstract should be no more than 300 words.
- Trade names cannot be mentioned in the title. Trade names in brackets, however, will be accepted in the body of the text.
- Abstract deadlines are strictly observed. Only abstracts received by the published deadline will be considered by our Abstract Review Team.
- If an abstract is selected for poster exhibition or presentation, the lead author/presenter must give the presentation. Substitution by another author/presenter will be accepted only if the substitute has been indicated when submitting the abstract or within 28 days' notice of the conference (18/04/2020).
- All presenters will be required to register for the conference. Please note this may incur a charge.
- Please note that all conference presenters will be required to register for the conference. Presenters should be aware in advance that they will be required to pay conference fees (at a discounted rate). Alzheimer's Society is unable to subsidise the travel or conference costs of any participant seeking to make a presentation. On acceptance of your abstract you should book your place at the conference. Instructions will be sent in the confirmation email.
- Poster presentations will require the lead author/presenter to be available for discussion during the attended poster session.
- Notification of the time and date of poster sessions will be sent when abstracts are confirmed.
- Non-scientific abstracts require a topline description of the format and content of the presentation. For scientific abstracts, please follow the structure below.
- Background and Objectives
- Methods/Processes
- Results/Evaluation
- Conclusions/Perspectives
- There is no limit to the number of abstracts that can be submitted by one person