Our Dementia Choir Sings Again with Vicky McClure on BBC One – how music can help people with dementia
Vicky McClure’s gran was diagnosed with vascular dementia at the age of 75, and lived with the disease until her death in 2015. Inspired by her memory, Line of Duty star Vicky is fronting a moving two-part documentary, Our Dementia Choir Sings Again, starting on Monday 10 October 2022 at 9pm on BBC One .
Back in 2019, Alzheimer’s Society Ambassador Vicky McClure started her search for choir members, bringing together specialists from the fields of medicine, music therapy, and performance.
Now the choir is back, this time performing to an even bigger audience. They’ll be showcasing the power of music by recording a single at the iconic Abbey Road Studios and taking their message to 20,000 at a music festival, with the help of pop star Tom Grennan.

Watch Our Dementia Choir sings again on iPlayer
The series not only highlights the importance of music therapy, but raises awareness of the challenges facing people affected by dementia today. Right now, too many people aren’t getting the support they need, when they need it, which is having a direct and negative impact on the health and quality of life of people affected by dementia.
The power of music for people with dementia
Many people have a special connection to music, and this can be particularly powerful for people with dementia. Evidence suggests music can improve someone's mood, behaviour and wellbeing.
Listening to favourite songs can bring back old memories and feelings. Many people with dementia are still able to enjoy music and to sing even when they start to lose their language abilities.
While the search for a cure continues, we all must work together to support people affected by dementia today so they can live meaningful lives. Music is a wonderful way to do this.
Research shows that musical memory is often retained when other memories are lost; music can help people to recall memories due to the nature of preserved memory for song and music in the brain.
'Being part of this experience and as an Alzheimer’s Society ambassador, I have seen how singing can help people with dementia communicate, improve their mood and leave them feeling good about themselves.'
- Vicky McClure

There are lots of ways for people with dementia to enjoy the power of music. For example, you can buy special radios and music players designed for people who have dementia. Playing music and singing can stimulate conversation and reminiscence for a person affected by dementia.
Singing for the Brain groups
At Alzheimer’s Society we run Singing for the Brain groups up and down the country. They are a great way for people with dementia and their carers to enjoy music and socialise with other people. Singing for the Brain groups celebrate the joy of singing together, like the Dementia Choir in Vicky’s programme.
If you’d like to find a Singing for the Brain group near you, use our dementia directory to see your local groups, as well as other activities and services near you.
Donate today and support people living with dementia
With your support, we can run services such as Singing for the Brain, to help improve the lives of people living with dementia.
This article was first published in May 2019 and updated in October 2022.
Tarqs Bridgwood
saysHi Jean,
Thank you for getting in touch, and glad you enjoyed the programme - wasn't it good?
Sorry to hear you can't seem to find any groups in your area. We're not sure if you have looked already, but the best place to search for Singing for the Brain groups is in our dementia directory: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/find-support-near-you
But if you cannot find a local service, please do call our support line on 0333 150 3456. One of our dementia advisers will be able to provide more information and advice, as well as support if you need it. You can find more details about the support line (including opening hours and other methods of contact) here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line
We hope this helps for now, Jean.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
Alison Goodall
saysMe myself loves music, it gives me such a feeling of excitement love and full of energy and making friends all through country music.
Since Alan Lawson built this family group called the T.U.T group ,better known as THUMBS UP THURS on Thurs from 6pm til 7pm and making me a admin is a lovely feeling and to watch the Main man Paul Jackson and his passion for all his different kind of music from rock blues country. It has been a honour to see Paul Jackson Live and to me is such a wonderful and well liked man ,just songs he sings blew me away. incredible voice just makes me happy to listen to him on Thurs makes my nights .
And the talent he has wow. X
Derek Holmes
saysHi Vicky thank you for your time and care for these lovely people. Much appreciated.
David Hughes
saysI thought this programme was strong and was delivered so wonderfully by Vicky. I know this was about dementia but my dad passed away earlier this year of cancer, it was over a very short period and aggressive. Music was such a passion of his and his impact on my life was huge. The Beatles song "in my life" was so poignant and appropriate, it really allowed me to express and release that emotion of loss which I'd held for a while. Music breaks so many barriers. Hope the wonderful research continues.
Christine Ford
saysWhat an amazing programme. Anything that can help people understand the effects of this cruel disease, is so worthwhile. To see the joy music can bring to people with dementia is heartwarming. My mum is in a nursing home and was diagnosed 12 years ago. She is now in the later stages but there is still a twinkle in her eyes when they have music entertainment. Thank you for what you have done Vicky Mclure, your nana would be very proud of you
Susan vest
saysI loved watching the dementia choir.do they still see each other.
What a brilliant programme so emotional.
I hope there is more to come, and bwell done Vicky.
My aunty passed away with vascular dementia.
Evelyn Ferguson
saysI have Alzheimer’s and live in County Antrim. I would love to see something similar here. I just love singing and have been a member of many choirs. Is there a group anywhere in the vicinity of Bt38.
Caroline Pugh
saysA fantastic programme. Inspiring and building on something I have long thought would be helpful to dementia sufferers.
As a music teacher how I can I get involved?
saysHi Caroline,
Thanks for getting in touch and glad you enjoyed the programme - wasn't it brilliant?
The best place to start might be to see if there's a Singing for the Brain group near you. You can find your nearest group from this page and then contact them to see if there are any opportunities to get involved: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/your-support-services/singing…
Best wishes,
Alzheimer's Society blog team
Helen Walters
saysLovely programme. Please as stated above make a record of this and give the proceeds to cure this wicked, wicked disease
Judith Johnson
saysAn amazing,thought provoking programme. Having nursed and supported both my parents with Dementia, and recently seen my father in law die of Vascular Dementia in the challenging behaviours unit of a care home, I found this choir inspirational. Well done to Vicky and her team, also well done Nottingham for hosting and supporting the project.
Sally Freeman
saysBrilliant show so very uplifting and makes you think. Keep the research going and I imagine in the future it will be cured not in my life time but soon. My husband has dementia but he loves to sing , music for the soul. He’s there somewhere when he sings and i see my husband back.
Bri Foster
saysI thought the programme really wonderful. I cared for both of my parents who had Alzheimer’s. I discovered really early on that music broke through many barriers. We amassed a whole collection of cds in many genre. As both had poor memory towards the end music acted as an anchor to the past.
The television show illustrated how important music is, how it gives hope and purpose as well as pleasure. I hope the research will continue. It would have been very helpful advice when my parents were first diagnosed along with the doom and gloom and conversations about end of life plans.
Samantha Bell
saysSuch a great insightful programme. My mother in law passed away from vascular dementia in January this year. My mum has Alzheimer’s, diagnosed just after her 60th birthday and last month my Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s too. Can I please ask that one of these songs from the programme is released by a record label and sold, with the funds raised going to research into finding a cure for this awful disease?
saysAn excellent and inspiring programme and congratulations to Vicky for making the project so successful. Singing has great power both to release memories and allow those who live with dementia to live 'in the moment'. There are actually many singing groups across Britain which are devoted to those who live with dementia, including the Alzheimer's Society's own 'Singing for the Brain' groups. It would have been helpful if the BBC could have pointed this out so that people inspired by Vicky's choir could look out for one in their neighbourhood.