Alzheimer's Society Cymru (Wales)

Find out more about Alzheimer's Society Cymru and get resources about dementia in Welsh.

Support in Welsh

If you speak Welsh, call our Welsh-speaking support line on 03300 947 400 

Our English-speaking support line is 0333 150 3456

Our dementia advisers will listen and give you support and advice, including coronavirus advice, connecting you to help you need. 

Opening hours (Welsh-speaking support line)

Monday to Friday from 9:15am – 4pm

Opening hours (English-speaking support line)

Monday to Wednesday

9am – 8pm

Thursday and Friday

9am – 5pm

Saturday and Sunday

10am – 4pm

Calls charged at standard local rate.

Publications in Welsh

If you'd like written or online information that you can read at your own pace, we produce information in Welsh. For a printed copy, email

This is me - Dyma fi (bilingual)

'This is me' is a simple leaflet for anyone receiving professional care who is living with dementia or experiencing delirium or other communication difficulties

Read online/Printable version

The dementia guide (Welsh)

The dementia guide is for anyone who has recently been told they have dementia. It will also be useful to the friends and family of someone with a recent diagnosis. 

Read online/Printable version

Factsheets in Welsh 

Beth yw dementia? / What is dementia? (400WEL)
PDF printable version

Beth yw Clefyd Alzheimer? / What is Alzheimer’s disease? (401WEL)
PDF printable version

Beth yw dementia fasgwlaidd? / What is vascular dementia? (402WEL)
PDF printable version

Y dreth gyngor / Council Tax (414WEL)
PDF printable version

Newidiadau mewn ymddygiad / Changes in behaviour (525WEL)
PDF printable version

Gofal seibiant yng Nghymru / Respite care in Wales (W462WEL)
PDF printable version

Talu am ofal a chymorth yng Nghymru / Paying for care and support in Wales (W532WEL)
PDF printable version

Factsheets for Wales, in English

Assessment for care and support in Wales

Respite care in Wales

Paying for care and support in Wales

Campaigns in Wales

Find out more about our campaigns in Wales and see how you can get involved.

Fundraising in Wales

Get in touch with your local fundraising officers and find out what's happening in your area:

North and West Wales

South Wales
