Support us Tag: Support us. Cross-Party Group inquiry into hospital care The Cross-Party Group on dementia in the National Assembly for Wales has launched an inquiry into hospital care - and they want to hear from you. Read more
Information Enhanced care: A specialist hospital ward for people who have dementia A Southampton hospital is giving patients with dementia a better chance of returning to their own homes. A Southampton hospital is giving patients with dementia a better chance of returning to their own homes. ... 01 October 2018 0comments.
News Tag: News. New Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock makes first major speech He revealed his three early priorities for the NHS, which are technology, health and care workforce and prevention, to support the Long Term Plan for the NHS and transform health and social care. Read more
News Tag: News. New approaches to funding, commissioning and regulation needed to meet people’s health and care needs The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published a report today (Tuesday 3 July) following the completion of 20 local authority area reviews, exploring how older people move between health and social care services and making recommendations for change. Read more
News Tag: News. NICE updates guideline on dementia for first time in 10 years Today (Wednesday 20 June 2018), the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) publishes the updated guideline on dementia. Read more
News Tag: News. NHS England launches plan to reduce long stays in hospital The NHS has today (Wednesday 13 June) announced plans to free up thousands of hospital beds and improve patient care by cutting long stays in hospitals. Read more
News Tag: News. Rising admissions to A&E for people with dementia due to ‘threadbare’ social care system An Alzheimer’s Society investigation has discovered tens of thousands of people with dementia each year are being admitted to Accident and Emergency because inadequate social care is leaving them unprotected from falls and infections. Read more
Information Tag: Information. 10 point plan for integrated dementia care Our 10 point plan is a tool for Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs), Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and other collaborative working partnerships to help them realise their ambitions for an efficient integrated health and social care system. Read more
Advice Tag: Advice. End of life care: communication and physical needs There are many ways to communicate with a person at the end of their life. There are also steps you can take to support a person with any pain, infections, eating and drinking problems, and delirium. Read more
Advice Tag: Advice. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) - useful organisations Find out the names of useful organisations to contact for help and support with DoLS, as well as who to contact about the information provided. Read more
Advice Tag: Advice. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards for people in supported living A person with dementia who is in supported living can still be deprived of their liberty. A deprivation of liberty will still need to be authorised but the process is slightly different to the one for care homes and hospitals. Read more
Advice Tag: Advice. What happens after a deprivation of liberty is authorised? After a deprivation of liberty has been authorised there are still important safeguards to make sure they are protected, including appointing a representative. The authorisation should have an end date and it can be reviewed at any time. Read more