Chris, Irene and Rodger enjoying afternoon tea

Caring for my father-in-law with dementia left us exhausted and overwhelmed

Chris’s father-in-law, Rodger, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2016. As his condition progresses, Chris and his wife Irene have felt dementia dominating their lives. He hopes that sharing their experiences can create positive change.

My father-in-law, Rodger, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in November 2016 when he was 88 years old.   

Rodger has two big passions in his life – Morris 1000 cars and boats. Before his diagnosis he would spend many hours at his boat yard, rebuilding old lifeboats and fitting them out for fishing trips with the family. Even when he was 82 years old, I would still find him tinkering in the boatyard – sometimes in the pouring rain!   

Over the years Rodger rebuilt 10 boats, all 30-40ft long. So last year his Grandson made him a bird feeder in the shape of a boat – we call it Rodger’s 11th boat.   

A birdhouse in the shape of a boat

Rodger's '11th boat' 

Rodger grew up in Newcastle and Gateshead and worked as a welder – on ships, buses and all kinds of machinery.

When he was young, he would walk the eight miles to Durham with his Dad to compete in rowing races on the River Wear. They would  carry their heavy wooden oars all the way! 

Changes in Rodger 

Around eight years ago we noticed that Rodger was struggling with his memory and was sometimes behaving out of character. My wife Irene, Rodger’s daughter, would check in several times a day and family members would visit throughout the week. They found he was not taking his medication or eating his meals.   

We began to bring Rodger home to live with us for a couple of weeks at a time to care for him. 

‘Although he enjoyed his visits to us, he would always miss his home and his boatyard.’  

Two pictures of Rodger on his boat. One older in black and white, and one more recent

Rodger worked as a welder and rebuilt boats in Newcastle and Gateshead

In 2016 Rodger suffered a heart attack and came to live with Irene and I full time. He was formally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s shortly afterwards. A few years later Irene and I stopped working to care for Rodger and moved to a new house that could better accommodate his needs.  

Over the last three years we saw a decline in Rodger’s health and were unable to leave him by himself. As Rodger’s condition deteriorated, he became more confused and needed increasing assistance and personal care. After being admitted to hospital in August 2021, Rodger was transferred to a care home.   

The impact of caring with 'no safety net'

Caring for Rodger has been exhausting, both physically and emotionally for Irene and I. As a carer for someone with Alzheimer’s, your life feels dominated by the condition, and often feels overwhelmed.  

‘We struggled to continue with our lives outside of caring for Rodger and I can honestly say it was the most difficult time of my life.’ 

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It was a really hard decision for us to admit Rodger to the care home, but Irene and I had reached breaking point. We know that in the care home he is getting the 24-hour support and care he needs and deserves.   

We’re a close family, and Irene and I had support from our children and other family members. But despite this, we felt there was no safety net in place when we were struggling.

Rodger and family members sit around a dinner table with Christmas decorations

Rodger and family celebrating at Christmas

Sharing our experience 

Our experiences caring for Rodger, and the lack of support for those in a similar position made me want to support the work of Alzheimer’s Society.   

As part of this I recently met my Member of Parliament to share our experiences and talk to her face-to-face about the challenges of caring for someone living with dementia.  

‘I think it’s really important that those who are making decisions about social care hear from people who have first-hand experience.’

During my meeting with my MP she made some positive comments about ‘our' commitment to caring for my father-in-law. But I'm not convinced that she will prioritise her efforts in giving the essential support to carers we require. 

Therefore it is imperative that as many of us as possible meet our MPs to press our case for minimal support!

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I worked in a care home for 21 years, not as a carer but did the clerical work. I was in close touch with the residents, all staff, relatives and visitors. The home had 2 dedicated wings for dementia. There was also a Day Centre where clients had an introduction to the home and the staff and vice versa. Sadly the home has closed and there are no Day Centres in our area. I feel staff should have more training in not only the physical care but give quality of life. Music is so important - the last memory to go. I saw residents whose faces lit up when music of a bygone era was played and they all remembered the words and sang along. My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and my father with vascular dementia so it was all around me. They both went into care for the last 5 years of their lives. My mother's physical care was fine but residents sat all day with no stimulation, whereas my father chose to be looked after where I worked and was very contented.
One area that doesn’t seem to be covered so much is early onset Dementia/Alzheimer’s. A friend of my sister’s was diagnosed with Binswanger’s when she was 51 and the lack of support for a person of her age was shocking. The care that her Support Worker was trying to get for her was not forthcoming as she was the wrong age by 4 about years. This bias against those with early onset Dementia/Alzheimer’s as a demographic getting the care and support that they is a big concern. My opinion is that Social Services needs to be more joined up when it comes to providing the care for those who are diagnosed whatever their age. The care packages that are available should be made available on the basis of the diagnosis rather than being tied to what age the person is.
This is very true my husband was diagnosed in April and he has not been seen by anyone since. During that time he has declined rapidly we will not fat any answers untill. He has seen the neurologists the appointment has just come in for August He's 60 with early onset FvAD
I try to support dementia as my mother had early onset dementia from the age of 57 until her death at the age of 65 in 1979. There was very little help in those days and I had young children at that time.
My nana Mary Grey have vascular dementia when she died on 3th May 2020 I love and miss my Nana
I feel so emotional reading Chris & Irene's story of caring for Rodger. I am sole carer for my husband who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's 8yrs ago, he is 74 now. We have no family to support us, no support from "care services" thankfully friends are there for us. My husband has not seen a doctor for some 18 months. When oh when will the powers that be realise that caring for carers is also part of caring for those unfortunate enough to have this awful disease. Chris and Irene you have done amazingly and enjoy your visits to Rodger without any miss giving.
I totally understand how you managed and how hard it is for you as a family. My wife was diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2015. We were on holiday in Madeira where we had been for many years. We were out one evening and she suddenly said where are we, she had no idea where she was and I couldn't wait to get home. After her diagnosis things moved on quite quickly and she deteriorated from being a cleaver fun loving lady to not being able to look after herself and it wasn't too long before I was having to pay for help with her. I got no help from anyone. Even Social Services didn't want to know and by last year I couldn't cope any longer and had to make the terrible decision to get her into a care home and there was still no help, I still feel guilty about having to make that decision. I am at last getting help from Social services due to the wonderful help I have had from the Alzheimers society for which I am so very grateful. The help for Dementia/ Alzheimers is almost none existent, they are not looked after by the NHS like other illnesses and successive governments couldn't care less and they won't while people like myself do the job for them, it's a disgrace.
I feel same. My mother was disgnosed 2020, she is now 74, during pandemic we knew there were symptoms before the diagnosis but still, it took ages to confirm this especially at that time. Mum, sadly is now in a home. As a family we tried so very much to look after mum we then got carers in morning and afternoon but it never stopped her sun downing. We had so much runaround and having 6 kids between us was such a challenge on a daily basis. The hardest thing was putting her into a care home, the guilt we felt and still do is immense! However she loves her new home, the attention and everyone around her, they have lots of activities too which she engages in, we are very pleased we found a care home that are so engaged and interactive x

Thank you for your comment, Rachel.

We're so pleased to hear your mum is doing well in her care home.

Would you be interested in sharing your mum's story in a blog post, like Chris and Irene have done here? Reading other people's experiences can be really helpful. Please email if this is something you'd like to know more about.

In the meantime, if you're in need of emotional support, please call our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. Our dementia advisers are here for you when you need them. More information about the support line, including opening times and other methods of contact, are available here:

We also have an active online community called Talking Point that you might be interested in. Here, people with dementia and others share their experiences and offer advice to people going through similar situations. You can browse the conversations within the community or sign up for free:

We hope to hear from you, Rachel.

Alzheimer's Society blog team

Seems like dementia has taken the place of cancers !

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