Real stories
‘I can be Ann's voice in the wider world' - campaigning to cure the care system
Graeme’s partner Ann lives with Posterior Cortical Atrophy, a rare form of Alzheimer’s disease which affects vision and spatial awareness. Graeme has experienced the social care system inside out, and is calling on Government to cure the care system now.
After starting as neighbours in London in 1987, Ann and I’s relationship developed through friendship and our shared love for music. Friendship blossomed into something a little more on Valentine’s Day 2000, a date chosen by Ann so that I'd always remember our anniversary!
Our lives supported each other. Ann supported me when I returned home for treatment after an accident in Indonesia. I supported Ann in her efforts to train as a teacher, and our move together to Cumbria.
‘We went to gigs together, travelled together, we enjoyed life to the very fullest; until 2007, when we began to realise something wasn’t right.’

Ann on holiday before her diagnosis
Ann’s diagnosis
From the moment we met, Ann was in the driving seat, literally – she loved to drive and to be behind the wheel. However, one day she asked me to take over. Going round bends started to upset her and she became easily confused.
Eventually, after a lengthy process, age 59, Ann was diagnosed with a rare form of Alzheimer’s called Posterior Cortical Atrophy. This affects vision and spatial awareness, which helped explain how she'd been feeling.
Leaving my job, it was my turn to repay Ann for looking after me.
We managed at home for a while, with some periods of respite and recovery for me from my own ill health. But Ann’s condition sadly declined.
Moving into care
After an accident in 2017 we knew she needed the full-time support which only entering a care home could bring.
While my knowledge of the financial support we could access for both Ann and I was extensive, due to my previous job, the process lacked clarity.
‘At every twist and turn there were decisions to make, when I simply wanted to spend my time with Ann.’
Living in the care home, I knew Ann missed music, and I did too. I started hosting ‘Feel the Blues’ gigs in the care home to bring music to Ann and raise awareness of how music helps those affected by dementia.
The gigs bought us both such joy. But seeing care from both sides, both at home and within the care home, I witnessed the pressure placed on the social care system. And when the pandemic hit, abruptly putting and an end to my visits with Ann, this became even clearer.

Graeme and Ann were brought together by a love of music
Fighting for face-to-face visits
The past year has been tough for all of us. But imagine how much worse it would have been if you couldn’t understand why it was happening; why you no longer saw your loved ones; why your carers stopped visiting or why they wore masks.
That’s why, working with Alzheimer’s Society, my local MP and members of the House of Lords, I started telling my story of just how difficult it is to understand and navigate the care system. We began the fight to allow care home visits to go ahead.
Throughout 2020 and early this year, I made an appearance on local radio, joined discussions on meaningful visits with Cumbria County Council, campaigned across social media, and held decision-makers to account in the House of Lords and Commons.
‘It was an incredibly challenging time being apart from Ann, but she remained my absolute focus.’
Knowing that my fight may enable me to see her again kept me going. With every new announcement, from allowing visits, to establishing the essential carers status and encouraging outside trips, I am pleased that our voices are being heard. I'm increasingly positive that further change is possible.
Together again
Ann’s normal memory of me had gone about a year ago, but the memory of my voice remained. With increased visits, I now hope, we can bring some of that spark back. We have been able to enjoy music and special occasions together once again.

Graeme is awarded a Dementia Hero Award for his tireless campaigning
I was gobsmacked to win the Dementia Hero Award for Campaigning.
This has given me the opportunity to talk about the importance of music for those who are affected by Dementia. I also want to raise awareness of Posterior Cortical Atrophy, which less than 5% – including Ann – are diagnosed with.
But more importantly I can be Ann's voice in the wider world. Ann was devoted to helping people - in the careers service, education and finally the civil service, and now that’s what I do.
I like to think of this as Ann’s award, I am carrying her work on. Everything I do is for her.

‘We need a simpler care system,’ says Graeme.
Curing the care system
Right now, our flawed social care system means that nearly a million UK families are struggling to care for their loved ones with the dignity and support they deserve.
‘Decades of under-funding have led to a system that’s difficult to access, costly, inadequate and unfair.’
Staff do not receive the respect or pay they deserve, and the system struggles to cope with ever increasing demands. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
The Alzheimer’s Society #CureTheCareSystem campaign places those issues clearly on the Government 's desk, urging them - two year’s after the Prime Minister’s promise to ‘fix the care system’ - to support those living and affected by dementia once and for all.
For Ann and I, and all of those we have met and are yet to meet through our journey, I am calling for greater recognition of the role which loved ones play in care. We need a simpler system to access financial support, and further integration between the health and social care systems.
More than anything however, I am calling for the Government to recognise the voices of the 135,000 individuals standing up for the rights of people living with and affected by dementia. We must cure the care system now.
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Become a campaigner to help people affected by dementia today and in the future.
Carol Borroff
saysHi Carol, thank you for sharing your story with us and our readers!
It sounds like you might benefit from speaking with other people who are going through similar situations.
Within our online community, Talking Point, carers and other people affected by dementia share their experiences and offer each other support and advice. It's open day or night, and free to use.
Read more about the community, or register to join the conversation: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/dementia-talking-point-our-online-community
Alzheimer's Society Blog Team
Geoff brown
saysI've written to Herts County Council. I want to start a new care home. One where ALL the money is used for good wages for front line staff, management and facilities and includes post diagnosis Neurology. It will be NOT for profit and will be run as a trust by the council. I will try and use crowd funding to get it started.
Initially, the care home will be for PCA sufferers who have the most intense needs due to their blindness, severely impaired cognition and with no ability to communicate their needs.
This is what my wife Sylvie is like now. Age 68 she has been totally dependent for 6 years and is in her 7th care home in a year. I pray the one she is in now will meet her needs: they have very good staff and excellent management, but my wife pushes the boundaries of their capabilities.
The present care home system is broken because it is used by rich owners as a lever for cash and profit and it works against its staff and patients.
Howard Youdan
saysI lost my wife, Cathy, in January, we had been married for 56 years. I was fully aware that Alzheimers would eventually be fatal but I was determined to care for her as long as I could. I have to say that the support I received from the NHS, Social Services and the Local Authority was great. In the early part of last year we had reached the stage where I couldn't leave her for 10 minutes and was in the process of organising some respite when lockdown hit. I became ill in July and was hospitalised suffering with pneumonia and blood clots. Consequently Cathy went into care. The home was superb but the inability to visit was very hard to bear. As time went on I consoled myself by looking forward to Covid restrictions being lifted, sadly this never happened and she died alone and confused. It is vital that arrangements are made to allow visiting when loved ones are in care
Fred Evans
My mum died of alzheimers and I assume that is why I have it and dementia. Because of my mum's death, that is why i have supported Alzheimers Society since. I will continue to support you.
saysThank you Graeme and Ann for telling us your story.
It is really difficult to have a loved one with dementia. My dad, George was diagnosed with Alzheimer's 18 years ago, he is now 83. He has been in a care home for just under 3 years and is sadly in the last stages of this horrible disease. Over the last year, not being able to see him has been devastating. Happily I have now had 3 one hourly visits with him, and it has been wonderful to hold his hand, talk to him and just be with him. He can no longer sing with me or dance with me or do any of the silly things we did together but I will never forget the man he was before this disease took him away from me.
I am really pleased to hear that you have been recognised for your campaigning, you are an inspiration to all.
saysAfter losing her husband of 62 years when he suddenly in February, my mum's life changed forever. We had to make the awful decision to move mum into a care home. Mum was isolating for 14 days and then when we could visit, were covered head to toe in PPE. We muddled our way through a broken system at the same time of being broken ourselves. Graeme, I salute you sir for all your efforts, courage and tenacity.
Carol Mayhew
saysThanks to all involved. It's been a horrible time for those with loved ones in Care Homes or having Care at home. Let's hope it gets better soon and that Care gets proper attention and end the ludicrous amount of money involved for those who have worked most of their lives in UK, whilst others, who have never worked here gets free care.
Sheila Cannon
saysHello Graeme, what a story you have to tell, all of it showing your dedication to Ann. I worked as an activity co-ordinator in a couple of care homes, music was by far the best activity we did and I used to encourage everyone to join in, I'm sure music stays with us for a long time, good luck to you in all you do.
saysCongratulations on your award, Graeme. I wish you every success with the campaign. The whole care system needs a serious overhaul.
Patricia Godfrey
saysGraeme, my heart and thanks go out to you. I cared alone at home for my husband who suffered with Lewy Body Dementia for 4 years. We both slowly died together and when he was finally overcome by this terrible disease, I was left with all the terrible memories of what happened to him. That was almost 3 years ago, and I still feel as if it was yesterday. We too received no help and trying to get even a District Nurse to come out, was an uphill battle. The care system is a scandal. Well done for all your tireless work and God Bless you and Ann.
Janice Turley
saysWhen you get to the stage where it is impossible to care for your mum at home … you are exhausted and upset… then the pressure begins .
The number of phone calls to make quick decisions …. The abbreviations of systems you know nothing about …. The sudden loss of information about how she is physically and mentally … then the anxiety of the financial commitment coming your way…. is a nightmare.
Why are there so many different departments/organisations firing information at you when you are at your lowest ebb???
It’s not the kind people employed in each role .. it’s the whole machine that needs looking at.
Hazel Smith
saysIt’s the people like you that will make a difference, thanks Graeme.
I’m currently caring for my mother 94 with Alzheimer’s , And trying to get some respite after 2 and half years, I myself need help . Although there seems to be several departments for services to help , I agree it is a struggle and I myself am worn down by this process alone . I do get the feeling that I just fall into a tick box category. So please stay strong and carry on please .
Maureen Reid
saysIt is a terrible disease and one that could affect anyone of us. The Government needs to bring NHS and care back into National ownership and not subject to privatisation for Investors to slowly destroy our beloved NHS.
My heart goes out to you all and urgent help is needed to support patients and carers.
Malcolm Quoi
saysMy wife has just been diagnosed with dementia and we are trying to get used to the difficulties that dementia brings on so any advice we can get would be a tremendous help.
Lisa Francis
saysWow, what a man..
You are incredible, I lost my granny to vascular dementia in 2018, the care she received was dreadful we were told that dementia isnt painful by one of the nurses, we tried everything but in the end we lost her.
She was an incredibly strong independent lady and dementia robbed her of that.
I am campaigning and will continue to campaign in memory of my lovely granny.