A man and woman sit on a grey sofa. There is a small brown and white dog sat between them, and small black and brown dog sits on the man's shoulder

Can caring for a pet help a person with dementia?

Pets can give people with dementia feelings of unconditional love. But getting a new pet isn’t a decision to be made lightly. There are lots of things to consider before seeking a pet for someone with dementia.

People with dementia can find caring for an animal to be a source of support and comfort. A person living with dementia can also benefit from the companionship and friendship from keeping a pet, and caring for the pet may also provide a sense of purpose. 

How can a person with dementia benefit from keeping a pet?

Animal-assisted interventions can improve self-esteem and confidence in people with dementia. It can also promote quality of life and encourage independence.

If a person with dementia is having trouble communicating with others or having conversations, looking after a pet may help them to stay engaged and involved.  

Visits from an animal can be an energetic experience or an exciting part of a person’s day. Animals can be a wonderful source of love and laughter for people with dementia. 

A bald man with a blue checked shirt smiles while holding a black cat

6 things to consider before getting a pet for a person with dementia

1. Does the person have the mental capacity to decide whether they want a pet? 

In order to make this decision, they will need to understand the level of commitment and responsibility involved. 

2. Will the person be able to meet the needs of the animal?

Cats and dogs can live for many years and require daily care and attention. This will include feeding and hydrating, exercise, going to the vet, cleaning up after the animal, bathing or grooming them, and more. Pets often form strong emotional bonds with their owners, and they also thrive on routine. It’s very important to consider the welfare of the animal. 

3. Have you thought about where you will get the pet from? 

Keep in mind that some breeders, rescue centres, or pet shops may not be willing to sell a pet to a person with dementia. Sellers may be hesitant if they feel the person may be unable to properly look after the pet.

4. Have you considered the feelings of the person with dementia before getting a pet?

Not all people with dementia, and those supporting them, will want to interact with animals. Not everyone will enjoy it either. Some people may be afraid of animals, have allergies or medical conditions that could be aggravated by the presence of animals. Individual and cultural differences in the acceptance of animals should also be considered before getting a pet. 

5. Would the person benefit from semi-regular interactions with an animal?

This could be introduced instead of committing to full pet ownership. Some people may find visits from a friend’s or family member’s pet a good compromise. Pet cafes might also be a good option. 

6. Have you considered purchasing a robotic pet or cuddly toy instead of a living animal? 

Many people with dementia benefit from comforting dolls or teddies, or interacting with lifelike robotic animals.

Some studies have shown that a ‘fake’ pet can bring many of the same calming effects as a real pet, so this might be a good option to explore first.

What happens if a person with dementia can no longer care for their pet?

It is important for people with dementia (and those supporting them) to think about what might happen to their pet if they are no longer able to look after it.

Animal welfare should always be considered and managed appropriately and responsibly. 

If the person with dementia is moving into a residential care or sheltered housing setting, they may not be able to take their pet with them. It is a good idea to speak to the accommodation or home management about this to make sure. 

There may be a family member or friend who is able and willing to take responsibility for the pet.

If the person with dementia has been living with their carer, then they may take on increased responsibility for the pet if the person moves into residential care (although it is important that they are happy and able to look after the pet).

Pets and care homes

Some care homes allow interactions and activities involving carefully selected animals. 

The animals and their owners, who are often volunteers, might make regular visits to care homes. The animals will often be breeds of animals with a calm or gentle temperament. This is often known as ‘pet therapy’. 

There could also be ‘residential programmes’ in place at the care home. These might allow ongoing interactions between animals and people living in care. For example, there could be a resident cat or fish tank permanently within a care home.  

If a person with dementia previously owned a pet, these animal interactions could help with reminiscence. Visits from animals may evoke pleasant memories and become an activity for the person with dementia to look forward to. 

Buy a robotic pet companion


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My husband had early onset Alzheimer’s and was very depressed and did not want to go out. I broached the subject of a dog and he said it was my choice. We went to see the puppies at three weeks and Lynx the Labrador chose us. Alan bonded and every hour took him outside to play when he had his cigar. They slept on the sofa together and Alan was happy to go for walks with Lynx and everyday ran around the park and played ball. I could leave him with Lynx at home or outside shops and Lynx became a support for both of us.
This article beautifully highlights the positive impact of pet companionship on individuals living with dementia. The emotional support and sense of purpose that caring for a pet can bring are truly heartwarming. It's inspiring to see how animals can provide comfort, reduce anxiety, and improve overall well-being for those affected by dementia. Thank you, Alzheimer's Society, for shedding light on this important topic!"
My husband rarely smiles these days. His Dementia with Lewy Bodies is quite advanced. However he smiles when he sees dogs, whether on TV, out walking or, occasionally, a friend brings hers to visit him. We've thought about getting a dog but, qiven how unstable he is in terms of mobility, and poor eyesight, I feel it would be a significant trip hazard. We have two life sized plush toy dogs, a Jack Russell and Dachshund which are an alternative though obviously it's not the like having a real dog. All the same, I do think that for frail people with Dementia, the risk of trips and falls is an important consideration. Thank you.

My dad has a attachment to his dog that is now stopping him leaving the house - ie going to shops or hospital appointments- has anybody any suggestions on what we can do? Many thanks in advance

I dont know if this would help but you can buy robo dogs and cats. They purr. move and wag their tails, I was thinking you could use this to get Dad out of the house. Also could he take his dog with him to appointments? I am sure noone would mind if you explain. Good luck xxx

We are a primary school and we would like to support people with dementia. We were wondering if we could raise money for a therapy animal or something of this sort to give the children a real focus to their giving. Do you think this might be appropriate?

Hello Heather,

Thanks so much for choosing to fundraise in support of people living with dementia. That's really generous of you and the school!

The therapy pet is a lovely idea, though not something we can technically support as it's not something that we offer. While pets can be lovely to have, they can also make tricky gifts as it can come with costs and some difficult questions as dementia progresses.

It may be a good idea to speak to local people living with dementia or care homes to see what they need and then raise funds directly.

Another similar idea could be to fundraise for the new product from our innovation team – HUG™. HUG™ is a soft comforter designed to be cuddled by people living with advanced dementia. It has weighted limbs and a soft body that contains a simulated beating heart and a music player that can be programmed to play a person’s favourite music. You can read more details about it here:

I hope this is helpful, Heather. Please do get in touch if there's anything else we can help with.

Many thanks,

Alzheimer's Society blog team

Please where can I purchase a realistic robot cat for my husband who is now in a care home.

Hi Patricia,

Thanks for your comment.

We currently have some 'breathing pets' in our online shop which you might like to have a look at. Unfortunately, the cat is out of stock at the moment, but there are some dogs available. You can view the full range here: https://shop.alzheimers.org.uk/index.php?route=product/isearch&search=p…

We hope this is helpful.

Alzheimer's Society blog team

When is it time get rid of the dog? My Grandma’s dog is abnormally attached to her. Follows her every single place. Won’t be friendly to anyone else in the house. Snaps at people when you try pet him. Jealous of her interacting with kids. Doesn’t play or run; basically has no personality. He’s an older small dog, but she’s only had him a year and a half. She went and got him from a shelter after her previous dog suddenly died and before her dementia worsened.

She has absolutely no boundaries with the dog. He lays wherever he wants spreading dog hair everywhere, jumps in her lap when she’s eating at the table. He won’t even allow her to sit in any of the recliner chairs alone. He jumps in the chair as she’s trying to sit down and she’s 80 years old.

For the past month and a half he has decided that he no longer wants to go out the doggy door because now my Grandma spends all of her time upstairs in her room. She’s been that way for about 5 months since her dementia has worsened and she’s no longer cooking for herself or handling her medications herself. Even with her spending more time in her room he still was going outside to use the bathroom. She leaves her bedroom door cracked throughout the day so the dog is able to come and go as he pleases. If he hears anyone of us downstairs he won’t even come down the stairs. Now it’s to the point where he’s using the bathroom in the house all the time whenever he sees fit. It upsets her but she refuses to get rid of the dog.

She just says she’ll clean up after him or she’ll attempt to come down the stairs so he will go outside but sometimes he will just stop and use the bathroom inside on the way down the stairs. She doesn’t realize her inability to take care of herself and how the responsibility of the dog falls on everyone else. Now it’s to the point where she’s letting the dog out her room all hours of the night thinking he’s going out the doggy door but he’s using the bathroom in the kitchen or the living room then going back up stairs.

Actually the reason I’m up now is because we have a sensor on her room door to alert us when she opens the door because she was wandering around the house confused at night. Now the wandering has stopped, but she’s still not sleeping through the night and continuing to open the door to let the dog out waking me up. I am not able to sleep through the night.

Unfortunately the decision to replace the dog with a younger friendly dog doesn’t fall on me. None of the decision makers want to be the one to get rid of the dog for fear of upsetting her, but in my opinion it’s unsanitary to keep the dog and it’s creating a stressful situation for everyone in the house, including her.

Hi FDee,

Thanks very much for getting in touch. It sounds like you're in a difficult position. We know it must be hard not knowing which steps to take to benefit your Grandma and her wellbeing.

If you're based in the UK, we'd strongly recommend speaking with one of our dementia advisers through our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. They can provide information and advice specific to your Grandma's situation with the dog. They're available to support you whenever you need them: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line

If you're based in the US, please contact the Alzheimer's Association helpline: https://alz.org/help-support/resources/helpline Or if you're based in Canada, please contact the Alzheimer's Society of Canada helpline: https://alzheimer.ca/en/Home/ContactUs

You may also find it helps to talk with other people who have gone through or are going through similar experiences. Visit our online community, Talking Point, for peer support: https://forum.alzheimers.org.uk/ It's free, and open day or night.

We hope this is helpful.

Alzheimer's Society blog team

I would like to get my mother a robotic cat to try as they look very soothing. The ones on Amazon look a bit unrealistic. Any ideas where I can get a more life like one in the UK?

Hi Wendy,

Thanks for your comment.

We have some 'breathing pets' in our online shop which you might like to have a look at. The cat is out of stock at the moment, but there are some dogs available:


Hope this is helpful,

Alzheimer's Society blog team

My mum has Alzheimer’s and my dad was her carer until 6 weeks ago. Unfortunately he died suddenly. Mum is extremely lonely and keeps asking if we could get her a cat. Is this a good idea?

Hi there Kate,
Thanks for getting in touch. Firstly, we are very sorry to learn about the sudden loss of your dad. This must be an extremely difficult time for you and your mum. With this in mind, we would really recommend chatting with one of our dementia advisers. They can discuss options with you on how to best support you and your mum, especially while she's feeling so lonely during this sad time. Please call our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. (More information on opening times: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/dementia-connect-support-line)
Also, getting a new pet is a popular topic within our online community, Talking Point. You may find it helpful to talk with other people affected by dementia who have been through similar situations: https://forum.alzheimers.org.uk/threads/pets-as-therapy.113447/
We really hope this is helpful, Kate.
Alzheimer's Society blog team

My father has dementia and my mother is his career and wonts to get him a puppy .As we all know one of the sight affects with dementia is verbal aggression. Is it wise to get him a pet or is that verbal aggression just towards a human. This person with dementia isn't the father I once new, so its like getting to know a new person and thats why I ask will the pet be a calm for him or will he be mean to it? is it a bad idea to bring a pet into his life this far into dementia,or am I just over thinking it?

Hello Lisa,
Thanks for getting in touch. You may find it helpful to discuss your father's situation with one of dementia advisers. They can provide you with information, advice and support. Please call our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. (More information on opening times: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/dementia-connect-support-line)
Additionally, getting a new pet is a popular topic within our online community, Talking Point. It can be helpful to talk with other people affected by dementia in similar situations: https://forum.alzheimers.org.uk/threads/pets-as-therapy.113447/
We hope this helps, Lisa.
Alzheimer's Society blog team

My mom has a moderate dementia, I would like to foster a dog or cat for her. She used to have dogs many years ago and I believe it will give her happiness to have a pet at home. Please let me know where I can contact pets that visits patients at home in the Miami area.

I volunteer for a charity called Noahs Art that takes therapy animals in to Mental health units, Care homes and other places. We take dogs, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. !

We are very fortunate that Mom's 10 yr chihuahua has been a welcomed visitor in the residential placement. Her therapy dog, of sorts.

Yes it can and does....It is the best therapy there is for pet and patients

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