Are there grants to help a person with dementia get equipment?

Grants and assistance are available for some of the equipment and home adaptations that make daily life easier for people affected by dementia.

Using equipment and making adaptations at home
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When equipment or adaptations are not provided by social services, the local authority and various organisations may be able to supply a grant or some other assistance. Some of the types of support available are outlined below.

Disabled facilities grants

Disabled facilities grants are designed to help meet the cost of adapting a home for the needs of a disabled person, including people with dementia.

Local authority assistance with housing repairs

Local housing authorities are able to help people with repairs, adaptations and improvements to their home.

Social fund

The Social fund is a scheme run by the government to help people with expenses that are difficult to meet on a low income. 


Some charities may offer help towards the cost of minor adaptations or repairs.

Home improvement agencies (HIAs)

Home improvement agencies, also known by names such as Care and Repair or Staying Put, are not-for-profit organisations run by local authorities, housing associations and charities.

They give information to older and disabled homeowners who may need specialist equipment or adaptations to stay in their homes.

Contacting organisations

For more information on the organisations mentioned above, including contact details, see the section 'Other resources'.

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