Learning disabilities and dementia - useful organisations

Get details of organisations that can provide information and support if you know someone with learning disabilities who has recently been diagnosed with dementia. 

Learning disabilities and dementia
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Useful organisations

British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD)
0121 415 6960
BILD works to improve the lives of people with disabilities, their friends and family carers. It provides a range of published and online information including Easy Read booklets to help explain dementia to a person with a learning disability.

Carers UK
0808 808 7777 (helpline, 9am–6pm Monday–Friday)
https://www.carersuk.org/forum (online discussion forum)
Carers UK provides information and advice to carers about their rights and how to access support.

Dementia UK
0800 888 6678 (9am–9pm Monday–Friday,
9am–5pm Saturday and Sunday)
Dementia UK is committed to improving quality of life for all people affected by dementia. It provides Admiral nurses who are mental health nurses specialising in dementia care.

Down’s Syndrome Association
0333 1212 300 (10am–4pm Monday–Friday)
Down’s Syndrome Association helps people with Down’s syndrome to lead full and rewarding lives. It runs a helpline and local support groups. The Association also funds research and champions the rights of people with Down’s syndrome.

Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities
Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities works to influence local authorities and service providers, so they better meet the needs of people with learning disabilities, their families and carers.

Jenny’s Diary
Jenny’s diary is a research-based booklet that has been developed to help people with learning disabilities understand dementia. It is freely available to download.

01908 230100
MacIntyre provides learning, support and care for more than 1,500 children, young people and adults who have a learning disability and/or autism.

0808 808 1111 (Learning disability helpline, 9am–3pm Monday–Friday)
helpline@mencap.org.uk (England)
Mencap provides information, advice and support services for people with learning disabilities.

Mencap NI
0808 808 1111 (Learning disability helpline, 9am–3pm Monday–Friday)
helpline.ni@mencap.org.uk (Northern Ireland)

Mencap Wales
0808 8000 300 (Learning disability helpline, 9am–3pm Monday–Friday)
helpline.wales@mencap.org.uk (Wales)

Learning disabilities and dementia

A person with a learning disability is more likely to develop dementia, and it may get worse quicker than someone without a learning disability. However, for people with more complex learning disabilities, the initial symptoms are likely to be less obvious.

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