Relationships and dementia

Preparing for changes in a relationship

Dementia can affect relationships in different ways including changes in communication, behaviour, sex and intimacy. 

Our advice can help you understand:

  • how relationships might change after a dementia diagnosis
  • what you can do to help prepare for and live with these changes
  • how to get and give support while in a relationship.

Ways dementia can affect relationships

Your relationships - free booklet

This booklet will help you understand how relationships might change after a dementia diagnosis. It also gives information on how to prepare for and live with these changes.

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Married couple Ananga and Jo share what Ananga's Alzheimer's diagnosis has meant for their relationship in the video below.

Get support

Dementia Support Line
Our dementia advisers are here for you.
Dementia Support Forum
Visit our online community to get advice, share experiences, connect.