Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024/25
This statement sets out the steps that Alzheimer’s Society is taking to improve our practices to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains. This statement is applicable for the financial year commencing on 1 April 2024.
Our Organisation
This statement applies to Alzheimer’s Society (charity number 296645, company number 02115499) and to the following entities:
- Alzheimer’s Trading Limited (company number 02737333) being a wholly owned subsidiary of Alzheimer’s Society
- Alzheimer’s Brain Bank UK (Company number 05762960)
- Alzheimer’s Foundation for Research into Alzheimer’s Disease (company number 03655393)
- Alzheimer’s UK Limited (company number 03086855)
together (“We”).
Our Policy on Modern Slavery
Modern slavery is a serious crime, encompassing slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. We are opposed to all forms of modern slavery.
We have zero tolerance for modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and across our business. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that we and our suppliers minimise the potential for modern slavery in our supply chains.
We expect all our people, including contractors, to know how to recognise modern slavery and understand how to report it. All cases of suspected modern slavery will be investigated and where necessary, reported to the police and the Charity Commission.
Our Supply Chains and due diligence processes
We require our suppliers to take the same approach to modern slavery and human trafficking as we do. Suppliers who contract with us are expected to meet their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act, and to comply with relevant policies and procedures.
We recognise that there are particular areas of our supply chains that pose the greatest risks to us. We have identified these as:
- Building maintenance
- Cleaning and waste services
- IT suppliers and services
- Temporary labour
In these areas of greatest risk, we will continue to carry out due diligence to understand what measures these suppliers are taking before we enter into a contract with them. To enable this to happen we have:
- Reviewed the modern slavery considerations in our procurement process;
- Reviewed the contractual terms covering modern slavery in our standard terms and conditions of purchase.
Other Policies that relate to modern slavery
Ethical Donation Policy: sets out our approach to accepting donations, to ensure they are processed transparently, with due diligence and in line with our charitable objectives.
Procurement Policy: our Procurement Policy and guidance outlines our principles for a robust, fair procurement process that allows for extensive due diligence.
Recruitment Policy: our people (volunteers, employees and contractors) are selected in accordance with our Recruitment Policy. They are managed in line with our HR policies, processes and good practice guidance, to ensure our people are treated fairly and with dignity.
Safeguarding Adults Policy: Alzheimer’s Society (the Society) is committed to working in ways which promote the freedom and the dignity of those it comes into contact. Fundamental to this is the safeguarding of those who might be vulnerable. This policy outlines our commitment to the safeguarding of adults at risk.
Safeguarding Children Policy: Alzheimer’s Society (the Society) is committed to working in ways which promote the freedom and the dignity of those it comes into contact. Fundamental to this is the safeguarding of those who might be vulnerable. This policy outlines our commitment to the safeguarding of children at risk.
Whistleblowing Policy: we maintain a Whistleblowing Policy to enable our people to raise concerns related to modern slavery and other matters. We expect our people to use our whistleblowing channel to report any instances of modern slavery they may encounter.
Next steps
We have identified the following activities as key areas to measure our progress and performance in implementing our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.
In 2024/2025, we will:
- Review the levels of awareness and understanding across Alzheimer’s Society and our suppliers;
- Work with key internal teams and internal stakeholders to further develop our due diligence checks and processes.
Further information
For further information regarding this statement, email:
This statement was approved by the Board of Alzheimer’s Society on 5 June 2024.