Can I install CCTV at home to keep an eye on my loved one living with dementia?
CCTV can be an effective form of assistive technology. However, there are ethical and legal issues around using security cameras to keep an eye on someone with dementia that must be taken into account.
Families, who worry about leaving a person with dementia alone, often ask us if they can install CCTV cameras at home. Loved ones may want to check on a relative when they are not there, but is this ok?
Like so much in dementia, everyone is different, and each person's situation should be considered individually. But there are some clear legal and ethical issues to think about.
We can use assistive technology as a way of enabling someone to remain independent. It can also allow people to be safer in their own home for longer.
Yet this does not automatically justify use of CCTV. So, it's worth asking a few questions when thinking about home security cameras.
Can a person with dementia consent to CCTV?
Being able to decide to have CCTV or not is an example of having the 'mental capacity’ to make a particular decision.
The person needs to understand what is being proposed, the practicalities, weigh up the pros and cons, and communicate a decision. All this is covered in the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
If the person can make this decision themselves then it is theirs to make and must be respected - even if the family disagree.
If the person lacks capacity to make this decision for themselves then the decision can be made for them. This can be done by an attorney or deputy, a professional such as a social worker, and in some circumstances, family.
But the decision that's made must be in the person’s 'best interests'. It must also have regard to the 'least restrictive' option. The terms 'best interests' and 'least restrictive' are from the Act and we explain them below.
What if the person with dementia cannot consent to CCTV?
In making a ‘best interests’ decision for someone who lacks capacity, the following should be considered:
- Whether the person will be able to make the decision in the future. (If they have good and bad days, can the decision wait until a time they can make the decision themselves?).
- The person’s own views – it’s important to note that, even if someone cannot make a decision, they may still have an opinion.
- The person’s past and present preferences.
- Whether all appropriate friends, family and professionals have been consulted.
- Whether all the relevant circumstances have been taken into account.
A decision also needs to have regard to the 'least restrictive' option. There needs to be discussion as to what other options are available and if these are more suitable.
For example, other forms of assistive technology may be suitable, including pressure pads. These can also monitor when a person leaves or enters the home and can be less restrictive than filming someone.
If it is decided that there isn’t a less restrictive option, or it wouldn’t work, then the least restrictive way of using the camera must be considered. For example, placing cameras only where needed.
Cameras should not be placed where someone goes to the toilet, washes, or dresses. If cameras are placed in these areas, social services could also become interested as this may raise safeguarding and/or human rights issues.
Does CCTV breach the person with dementia’s human rights?
Finally, there are wider legal issues that we must acknowledge. The use of cameras in this way does go against someone’s human rights. This is because we all have a right to privacy and dignity.
Where absolutely needed, in someone’s best interests, this right can be infringed upon, but it needs to be carefully considered.
Families who are unsure should consult with social services before using CCTV.
If security cameras are being provided by a specialist company for care purposes, then they should also help with these considerations.
If the cameras are recording and storing the information, then it is important to think about:
- how this data is stored
- who will view it.
Any recordings will be very personal to the person and so should not be widely shared. If the recordings do highlight abuse or neglect, then this should be shared with social services.
Any decision made for someone needs to be in their best interests. It must also have regard to the least restrictive option.
Legally, CCTV does infringe upon a person’s right to privacy and dignity. This means the decision needs careful consideration. It may also need consultation with a professional such as a social worker.
Like so much else in dementia, it needs to be an individual decision taking into account a range of factors.
This article was first published on 27 October 2016 and most recently updated on 29 January 2024.
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Martin Corrick
saysHi Karen,
We're very sorry to hear this - it sounds like a very difficult situation to be in. Unfortunately, we can't offer specific advice without knowing more about your circumstances.
We'd strongly recommend calling our dementia support line on 0333 150 3456 to speak with one of our trained dementia advisers. They will listen to more details about your situation and provide specific information and advice to help. You can find more details about the support line (including opening hours and other methods of contact) here:
We hope this helps, Karen. Please do call our support line to discuss this.
Alzheimer's Society website team
saysTracy James
saysHi Tracy,
Unfortunately without knowing further information about your Mum's situation, we cannot comment or provide any advice on the matter.
We'd strongly recommend calling our dementia advisers on 0333 150 3456 so they can get more information from you and provide guidance on what to do. Find more details about our Dementia Connect support line (including opening hours) here:
Please do ring our support line to discuss this.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
saysGeorgina Washington
saysHi Georgina,
Unfortunately without knowing further information about your uncle's situation, we cannot comment or provide any advice on the matter.
We'd strongly recommend calling our dementia advisers on 0333 150 3456 so they can get more information from you and provide guidance on what to do. Find more details about our Dementia Connect support line (including opening hours) here:
Please do ring our support line to discuss this.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
Trident Autosys
saysMarion Jones
saysHello Marion,
It sounds like you would benefit from joining our online community. Talking Point is the ideal place for carers and other people affected by dementia to share their personal experiences, and offer advice and support to others going through similar situations. You can browse the conversations within the community or sign up to participate for free:
If you are based in the UK, we'd also suggest speaking with one of our dementia advisers. They will listen to the situation and provide you with advice and support. Please call our Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. (More information on opening times, and other methods of contact, can be found here:
If you're based in the US, please contact the Alzheimer's Association helpline:
Or if you're based in Canada, please contact the Alzheimer's Society of Canada helpline:
We hope this is helpful for now.
Alzheimer's Society website team
Yvonne Logan Downie
On the subject of cctv weather its recording or not surely after getting consent or acting in their best interests what if you know that 1 of your parents are not getting cared for properly by a care company within their own home? Even after giving your concerns to social work and nothing has gotten done. Where can you go next? Care commission can't help as they don't govern social services, Scotland.
Please help.
saysHello Sue, thanks for your comment.
You might like to contact Scotland's dementia charity, Alzheimer Scotland ( as they will be aware of how this can be dealt with in Scotland. Their 24-hour Freephone Dementia Helpline is 0808 808 3000.
Also, if you feel the social services haven’t taken on board your concerns correctly then you may wish to consider putting in a formal complaint, which they will have to respond to.
Lastly, the Scottish version of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the Care Inspectorate ( so you may wish to speak with them.
We hope this is helpful.
Alzheimer's Society Knowledge Officer (Legal and Welfare Rights)
Dhrusti IT and Security Centre
saysWell Explained about the installation of CCTV Cameras
Ron Flowers
saysMy sisters have installed CCTV in my mum's house but didn't consult with me. I went to mum's and it had been installed. Surly this isn't right..?
saysHi Ron and thanks for your comment.
Unfortunately without knowing further information (such as your mum's situation, whether there are any attorneys or the purposes of the CCTV) we cannot comment or provide any advice on the matter.
We'd strongly recommend calling our dementia advisers (0333 150 3456) so they can listen to the situation in full and provide guidance. Find more details about our Dementia Connect support line (including opening hours) here:
Please do ring our support line to discuss your mum's situation.
Alzheimer's Society blog team
Daniel Aaron
saysReally very happy to say, your post is very interesting to read.
I never stop myself to say something about it.You’re doing a great job. Keep it up
Daniel Aaron
saysI think this is an informative post and it is very useful and knowledgeable. I really enjoyed reading this post. big fan, thank you!
saysMy mum has had a stroke but is not disabled, it’s affected her speech, decision making and ability to do everyday things. She has Carers coming into her house 4 times a day. My two sisters and myself are there a lot of the time but want to make sure mum's safe when we’re not. Is it ok to install a camera with mum's permission and how does that fare with the care company
saysHi Carole,
Thanks for your comment.
This can be a complex topic, so it may be helpful to talk this over with one of our advisers. You can call our support line on 0333 150 3456. The adviser will be able to learn more about your individual situation and give information, advice and support.
Based on the information you’ve given, it’s great that you’ve mentioned the fact your mum has given consent. It’s important to check in from time to time to make sure that she still consents and has the mental capacity to do so.
As well as your mum, it’s crucial to consider the rights of anybody else that will be recorded, including carers from a care agency. You can check your contract with the care company, as this may mention recording devices and if it does you would have to follow what is outlined. Ideally, you would speak with the care company before fitting cameras as these cameras would impede the rights of care staff going in.
This document from the Care Quality Commission is really helpful on this, so may be useful to refer to:
Hope this is helpful Carole, and please do call the support line if you’d like to discuss this with an adviser.
Alzheimer’s Society blog team
swathi covipro
saysI have gone through your blog . what you have said is absolutely right i will agree with your words cctv is really useful and we can check whether our family member is safe or not while we leave them to care takers,
.thank you for your post
Tania terlick
saysMy Mum has dementia..I’m just wanting to know what she’s doing when I’m not there with her however I cook clean shop and care and take her to her appointments. I also Keep her looking nice with hairdresser appointments. Nails and fingernails,,
A cctv camera would allow me to know whether she can use oven and microwave ,t.v.and a/c