Sue gives Helen a kiss on the cheek in a bedroom

Dementia photo journal: capturing the mental, emotional and physical journey

Helen has been documenting her mum’s experience with vascular dementia to raise awareness of the disease.

“My mum has always been my best friend, my whole life,” says Helen about her mother, Sue. “She was the only person that ever really understood me.

“Mum was diagnosed with vascular dementia in 2015. I didn't know what dementia was really like. I didn't realise it changes everything.”

Two years ago, Helen, a professional photographer, left her life in London to move back to south Wales to become her 75-year-old mum's full-time carer.

Documenting dementia through photography

The photojournalist and wedding photographer had been taking pictures of her mum for decades and continued to do so, leading to a very personal project titled No Longer Her(e).

An elderly lady on a kitchen floor with her head in her hand

See more of Helen's work by following @helenrimell and @ginfizzphoto on Instagram.

Her images capture her mum's decline in the little details from everyday life at home in Llantwit Major, in the Vale of Glamorgan. 

"I was trying to process the grief and the loss because she was becoming less and less herself all the time," says Helen.

She is here but she isn't, and she is herself but she's not.

Helen and her mum have always been close.

"She was my best friend, I told her everything," said Helen. "She was fun, she was funny, she was kind, she was caring, really empathetic, really compassionate.”

Sunlight comes in through a window. An elderly woman warms her face in the light

The reality of being a dementia carer

Dementia has turned out to be something very different to what Helen thought before becoming a carer.

"I didn't really know how bad dementia was or what it got like at the end," she said.

"In films you have this sweet little old person sat in a home and they forget your name but at the last minute they remember how to dance with you and a favourite song.

"But it's not like that. Their whole personality changes, not to mention all the physical demise and the aggression and all the different things that come with it."

Despite having to park her own life and the grief she lives with daily, Helen has no regrets.

"I'd do it all again - she did it for me and I want to return the love she's given to me."

Watch Helen and Sue's dementia story

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I lead a happy busy life. I am 85 I ,Iive alone. I drive. I am worried after reading about being sleepy. I have always been sleepy and friends used to say “oh she could sleep on a clothes line!” Reading this article I am now worried in case I am at the start of Dementia..I am a fund raiser for Dementia and. Alzheimer’s. I collect stamps and broken jewellery.
Longevity of age is surely the reason. The brain is ‘just wearing out’. Sprinting a 100 yards is not so easy either — at 80 years old!!!!!
I haven’t been diagnosed yet but I guess it’s on its way so I am trying to prepare for it.
It's hard to talk about it My wife of 49 years 😪 no body under stands a hard road 😪
I am so sad to hear your wife has dementia , it is a cruel and heartbreaking illness . My parents have been married for 62 years and my dad is struggling with mums dementia , I hope that you have spoken to the Admiral nurses as they are so kind and understanding , do you look after your wife alone ? We did for a long time , my father and I , we now have carers twice a day to help with washing and dressing , it is very helpful just to know that someone is coming in who can help , I hope you can talk to your GP and can get some help for your wife and yourself . It is a lonely journey , but there are people who can help . Please don't feel isolated there are many people who are struggling with caring for their spouse , ask for help , I know it is not easy , but there are people who can understand . Take care
I have just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I am still able to do most things. Memory is poor but I can cope with help from family.. I have a large support group. Today is a good day. I don't remember much about yesterday. I hope that is a good thing as I probably was a pest.
Don't worry about yesterday , just enjoy today if you’re feeling good . Love to you and your family and carers .
Oh Hazel I’m positive you were not a pest, my mum is 83 and she was also diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia last year, her short term memory is poor too. Wishing you lots of good days x
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