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Advice Tag: Advice. Living with dementia - Planning ahead Making plans for the future can be helpful for people with dementia and their carers. Our guide on planning ahead is part of a series of nine booklets that have been written for people with dementia. Download a digital copy or order a printed version of the booklet here. Read more
Information Tag: Information. Accessing and sharing information on behalf of a person with dementia This booklet gives practical advice on handling someone's personal information to help them manage their affairs, or when managing their affairs for them. Read more
Information Tag: Information. Where to go for legal advice Our advisers can’t offer you professional legal advice. But they can tell you about organisations that may be able to. Read more
Advice How to navigate the current social care system if you are affected by dementia Seeking support from the social care system can be daunting, particularly for people affected by dementia who face many other daily challenges. We have guidance to help you navigate this complex process, including where to go for further help and information. Seeking support from the social care system can be daunting, particularly for people affected by dementia who face many other daily challenges. We have guidance to help you navigate this complex process, including where to go for further help and information. ... 12 May 2021
Advice Tag: Advice. Planning ahead as a person with dementia People with dementia can put plans in place now that will be helpful in the future. This includes thinking about housing options for when living alone isn't possible. Read more
Information Tag: Information. Enduring power of attorney in Northern Ireland - useful organisations Find other useful organisations and resources relating to Enduring power of attorney and controllership in Northern Ireland. Read more
Advice Tag: Advice. How to make an Enduring power of attorney in Northern Ireland Read information to help if you are making an Enduring power of attorney (EPA) in Northern Ireland. Read more
Advice Tag: Advice. Who can be an attorney in Northern Ireland? You can choose anyone you want to be your attorney, as long as they are 18 or over and are not bankrupt. You can have as many attorneys as you wish but it is usual to have between one and four. Read more
Advice Tag: Advice. Paying for dementia care if you have a partner A financial assessment should only take into account the assets of the person with dementia, even if they have a partner. Read more
Advice Tag: Advice. Paying for care home fees in Northern Ireland Find out about different ways to fund a person's care home, and how that affects the choice of care homes available. Read more
Advice Tag: Advice. Do you have to sell your home to pay for care in Northern Ireland? Whether a home is taken into consideration during a financial assessment depends on where the person with dementia is receiving care. If the person is living in a care home, their home may be included. Read more
Advice Tag: Advice. Financial assessments in Northern Ireland Not everyone will have their care and support paid for by their local HSC trust. Eligibility is decided using a financial assessment. Read more