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Real stories People affected by dementia test the new Feel Good Folder People tell us what they thought of our Feel Good Folder, designed to help people with dementia who want to be more active. People tell us what they thought of our Feel Good Folder, designed to help people with dementia who want to be more active. ... 29 September 2023
Info Page Tag: Info Page. Dementia: Reducing your risk Our free booklet tells you about dementia and the changes you can make to lower your chances of getting dementia. It is available to read online or download to print at home, or you can order a copy through the post. Read more
Info Page Tag: Info Page. Researcher profile: Combining genetics and lifestyle From our Autumn 2016 issue of Care and Cure magazine, hear from Dr Claudia Metzler-Baddeley- an Alzheimer's Society and BRACE research fellow and a senior lecturer in psychology at Cardiff University. She is based at the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC). Read more
Advice How I enjoy better sleep: Getting the rest that we need We ask people about how they keep active and well, whether they have dementia or not. This issue, we hear about improving rest and sleep. We ask people about how they keep active and well, whether they have dementia or not. This issue, we hear about improving rest and sleep. ... 01 June 2021
Info Page Tag: Info Page. Annual Lecture – What can we do to prevent dementia? Catch up with Alzheimer's Society's first virtual Annual Lecture and find out everything we know about prevention, and the proactive steps we can all take to minimise our risk of dementia. Read more
News Tag: News. Rugby legends join large dementia prevention study, funded by Alzheimer’s Society One of Welsh rugby’s all-time greats, Shane Williams MBE, and former English rugby World Cup winner Ben Kay MBE will be among 50 former elite rugby players enrolling in a new phase of the UK and Ireland wide PREVENT study, called PREVENT:RFC. Read more
Advice How I enjoy the outdoors: Getting out and about We ask people about how they keep active and well, whether they have dementia or not. This issue, we hear about getting in touch with nature. We ask people about how they keep active and well, whether they have dementia or not. This issue, we hear about getting in touch with nature. ... 01 February 2021
News Tag: News. Study examines link between high blood pressure in mid life and brain damage in the elderly - Alzheimer’s Society comment A new study, part-funded by Alzheimer’s Society, being published on Thursday 26 November in the European Heart Journal, looks at the link between high blood pressure and more extensive brain damage among the elderly. Read more
Research 5 hopeful takeaways from the world’s biggest dementia research conference Dementia research has been hit hard by the pandemic. But at the Alzheimer’s Association International conference (AAIC), the biggest dementia research conference in the world, there was plenty to feel hopeful about. Dementia research has been hit hard by the pandemic. But at the Alzheimer’s Association International conference (AAIC), the biggest dementia research conference in the world, there was plenty to feel hopeful about. ... 04 August 2020 6comments.
News Tag: News. The Lancet: 40% of dementia cases could be prevented or delayed by targeting 12 risk factors throughout life New research suggests that there are 12 factors that increase the risk of dementia, but measures can be taken to reduce this risk. Read more
News Tag: News. Early Adult BMI Associated With Late Life Dementia Risk' study - Alzheimer's Society responds Researchers at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference have suggested that efforts aimed at reducing dementia risk may need to begin earlier in life with a focus on obesity prevention and treatment Read more
Advice How I relax and focus: Ways to unwind to help us stay well We ask people about how they keep healthy and well, whether they have dementia or not. This time, we hear about ways to unwind and get perspective. We ask people about how they keep healthy and well, whether they have dementia or not. This time, we hear about ways to unwind and get perspective. ... 01 June 2020