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Hormones and dementia risk

Dementia affects more women than men and it is thought that hormones may play a role in this.

Are women more at risk from dementia?

Women make up an estimated 65% of people who currently have dementia. Whilst age is the main risk factor for dementia, and women tend to live longer than men, this does not completely explain the difference.

It is not fully understood why women are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease, the most common cause of dementia. One idea is that it may be to do with the hormone oestrogen.

Whilst both men and women produce oestrogen, it’s the main female sex hormone and so women usually have more of it. When women go through menopause, their bodies stop producing as much oestrogen.

On the other hand, men continue to produce testosterone, the male sex hormone, throughout their lives. Testosterone is converted into oestrogen inside brain cells. This means that women who have been through menopause have lower levels of oestrogen in their brains than men of the same age.

How to reduce the risk of dementia

A lifelong approach to good health is the best way to lower your risk of dementia.

There are some lifestyle behaviours with enough evidence to show that changing them will reduce your risk of dementia.

Reduce your risk of dementia

Does hormone replacement therapy reduce dementia risk?

It is not clear whether hormone replacement therapy (HRT) reduces dementia risk or not.

Some women choose to have HRT when they go through menopause. It can help relieve some of the more unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flushes and mood swings. HRT is usually a combination of oestrogen and another hormone called progesterone, although there are different types.

The research into whether taking oestrogen (as part of HRT) can reduce women's risk of dementia has been mixed. Some studies suggest that oestrogen may reduce dementia risk whilst others say it increases it.

Research on HRT and dementia risk

Studies into hormone replacement therapy and dementia are conflicting. With some suggesting a benefit on memory and thinking abilities, or dementia risk, and others finding the opposite.

In 2021 a study of nearly 400,000 women, found both new and old HRT drugs reduced the risk of diseases that cause dementia. The study found that the effects differed based on many things: dose, type of medication, length of treatment, age, and time from menopause. Another study in Denmark, following dementia rates of over 55,000 women showed the opposite, that HRT increases dementia risk.

Part of the reason of the uncertainty is that many studies only show a connection between dementia and HRT, but they can’t tell us if HRT leads to dementia. Brain fog is a common symptom of menopause, but may also be an early symptom of dementia. If early dementia symptoms are confused for menopause symptoms and HRT is prescribed, it may also skew the numbers.

Other complications are around the type of HRT used. Older types of HRT were known to have higher risks related to them than the newer types. Also the timing of the HRT and the age it is taken may be important.

Researchers are currently working to understand the link better, to clarify whether HRT really does reduce dementia risk.

Further reading

We discuss the difference between women and men when it comes to dementia risk.

Find out more

Find out about new research into the cognitive effects of hormone replacement therapy.

Find out more

Learn about HRT for menopause symptoms, including types of HRT, benefits and risks.

Find out more

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