Important Research is under threat

Image of lady living with dementia
Will you support us in saving research that is under threat, and answer pressing questions faced by people living with dementia and their carers?

Alzheimer’s Society is dedicated to helping find real-life, practical ways of helping people living with dementia now. We are supporting research in developing practical solutions, and getting these solutions into the hands of those who need them, as quickly as possible.

It’s hugely frustrating that because of coronavirus we now lack funding
to support some research projects – especially as the products being developed would be so helpful to those people who are still shielding.

Please send a gift to keep vital research going

Your support could help deliver answers that span every stage of dementia.

  • For people in the early stages, there’s a financial tool called Sibstar.
  • To help prolong independence as long as possible, there’s Kraydel.
  • To help alleviate the anxiety and distress people with late-stage dementia can experience, there’s HUG™.

Unfortunately, all of these research projects are under threat of losing funding.

Will you support us in keeping this research alive?