Credit Suisse Charity Partnership 2020


Care for today, hope for tomorrow

By 2025, over one million people will be living with dementia in the UK. Too many families still face the devastation of dementia alone. The need for change has never been more urgent.

Dementia is the greatest health and social care crisis of our time. 

Dementia devastates lives. It destroys our memories, our relationships and our connections to the world. One in three of us born today will develop dementia in our lifetimes, yet for too many a dementia diagnosis is like being plunged into darkness. 

We need an ambitious, leading global partner to unite with us in facing the challenge head on. We’re proud to be in the running to be your Charity of the Year partner for 2020. By voting for Alzheimer's Society, you will be changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

Don't forget to cast your vote on 14 November and let's unite against Dementia.

Credit Suisse will be supporting our two of our most ambitious projects which both aim to intervene and give people the support and information they need as early as possible, before it’s too late. 

Care for today

With no pathway of support on the NHS and social care chronically inadequate, people are falling through the cracks. We want to switch on the light for the hundreds of thousands of people diagnosed with dementia each year.

Dementia Connect is Alzheimer’s Society’s revolutionary new support service. We will be there for everyone from the first moment of diagnosis. Expert support at an emotional and frightening time following a dementia diagnosis can be a lifeline for families - the difference between hope and despair, darkness and light.

Credit Suisse will be one of the first major funders of Dementia Connect, playing a pivotal role in the creation of a fully accessible, nationwide service for dementia. 

Cure for tomorrow

Your support would also fund the innovative PREVENT Dementia project. A longitudinal study charting the lives of hundreds of volunteers across the country, the project is investigating the risk factors for dementia that can be identified in middle-age. The results could revolutionise the way dementia is treated – with the potential to target the disease decades before the first symptoms even begin to show.

It’s one of the most promising avenues of dementia research, and Credit Suisse will be there at the forefront in transforming the way we understand dementia – and help stop it in its tracks.

  • 1 in 3 of us will develop dementia in our lifetimes
  • Someone develops dementia around the world every three seconds
  • The only disease in the top ten global killers where there is yet to be a cure. 
  • Dementia is caused by diseases of the brain – a cure can be found
  • For every researcher in dementia, there are ten cancer researchers, four stroke researchers and five in heart disease
  • Dementia is not a natural part of ageing - over 40,000 people who have dementia in the UK are under the age of 60

Peter Lyttle, who has dementia, shares the impact of meeting his Dementia Advisor from Alzheimer's Society:

It was like someone had turned the light switch on. That lady saved my life, she really did. She made me realise that there is a life after diagnosis. I can never, ever thank her enough.

Hannah Mackay, whose Dad is living with Frontotemporal dementia and who knows she will develop the same condition, shares her emotions:

I am grieving for three generations at the same time. For my Dad, who is no longer the same person I grew up with. Then I grieve for my Mum, who has been robbed of a happy retirement. I grieve for myself and the impact it is going to have on me. And I grieve for my children. Whilst there are currently no cures for early onset dementia, there is hope.

There is a lot of research being undertaken by medical experts who are working tirelessly to develop treatments.

By giving any donation no matter how big or how little, together we can stop this totally cruel condition for generations to come.

Credit Suisse are experts in supporting good causes. We will match that expertise with creativity, energy and a personalised approach when it comes to raising funds and donating time in uniting with us against dementia.

  • Get fitter. Be faster. Go further – tackle a trek to Mount Everest’s base camp, across the Sahara Desert, or along the Great Wall of China.

  • Challenge yourself and take up a place in some of the country’s most famous marathons, cycles and swims.
  • Be social – from Elf Day to Games Night, from Quit for a Bit to Cupcake Day, we’ve got plenty of fun-filled fundraising events to get involved in.
  • Get involved – support what you will be funding through volunteering your time or expertise. 

We have a fantastic team ready to create exclusive events just for Credit Suisse. 

Most importantly, we will be there to support the 52% of you who are affected by dementia in any way. Whether it's a loved one or family member, a neighbour, or even if you have concerns about your own memory - we will be there with expert talks, dedicated advice and a friendly voice at the end of the phone.
