Project grants

Are you an established dementia researcher looking for support to follow your next big idea? Our Alzheimer’s Society Project Grants are for researchers to carry out world-class dementia research. These flexible grants can include funding for pilot, springboard, and seed funding applications. 

Get started on your application

We have guidance (PDF) to support your application for an Alzheimer’s Society project grant, fellowship or PhD studentship. Once you've read the guidance, visit Grant Tracker to start your application.

Download the guidance Start your application

Key dates and deadlines for research grant applications:

27 Jan '25

Grant round opens

28 Mar '25

Outline submission deadline

End of May '25

Shortlisted applicants invited to submit full proposal

25 Jul '25

Full proposal submission deadline

Dec ‘25

Funding outcome


Applicants may apply for direct costs of up to £400,000 to support their research including staff salary, consumables, and equipment. Funding is available for up to three years depending on the project type. However, we support researchers and their research teams to work flexibly to meet personal circumstances.  


Project grants must be held at a UK based University, NHS site, or other recognised higher research institution. Principal Investigators should have a contract of employment with the host institution that exceeds the planned finish date.  

Alzheimer’s Society is a proud supporter of early career researchers (ECRs) and strongly encourage all applications to include their ECRs as co-applicants in the applications. This can apply to post-doctoral researchers, clinical staff, technicians, or others. If you have any difficulties with institution regulations, please contact us.  


Alzheimer’s Society funds cutting-edge research into dementia. Applications are accepted for research projects addressing key unanswered questions within the dementia field.  

Applicants should consider how their project can contribute to Alzheimer’s Society’s strategy and research mission

Applicants must explain how their project contributes to the dementia field within these themes as alignment to our mission is incorporated into our scoring system at review. 

Any questions?

Please get in touch with our grants team at

Email our team
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