Write about your experience of dementia for our blog

Writing and sharing a story about how you or a loved one has been affected by dementia can offer some relief for both writer and reader.

Gentleman in street

Alzheimer’s Society welcomes submissions from anyone who wants to write about life with dementia, for publication on our website. Whether you have a poem you'd like to share, or a real life story you want to contribute, we'd love to hear from you.

Although we read and appreciate every contribution, unfortunately we’re not able to publish them all.

Writing your blog

Everybody’s experience of dementia is different, therefore everybody’s story will be different. We want you to describe your own personal experience however you’d like to – there’s no right or wrong way. 

Here are a couple of tips to help:

  • Be yourself: Don’t feel like you need to be a ‘writer’ – just be you!
  • Make it easy to read: Use short words, sentences and paragraphs if you can
  • Consider the length: Try to keep your blog between 400-700 words.

If you’d like to discuss your idea before writing it, please contact our Blog team.

Please note that we’re unable to share any blogs that promote commercial products, services or companies. Any dementia advice or information will also be removed if it conflicts with the information on our website. 

Your images

Pictures can help bring a blog to life and we’d recommend attaching 1-2 images when you submit your blog. These can be old pictures or from present day.

The images should be good quality and in focus – it’s preferable to use landscape. Make sure they measure over 860 pixels wide. Please also provide a caption if there are more than one person in the image.

Submitting your blog

You don’t need to use your name if you don’t want to, so please let us know if you’d like to be anonymous. We usually reply within 1 week to let you know if we’re able to use your blog. Please note that it may be longer when it’s extra busy.

We may decide to tweak the blog slightly – for example, we might add headings or restructure some of the paragraphs. Usually we leave the copy as it is. If we do make any changes, we’ll be sure to let you know before we publish it.

Please email your finished story and images to blog@alzheimers.org.uk, along with a few details about yourself that you are happy to be published.

Publishing your blog

As we plan our blog content in advance, it may take a while for your story to be published. We’ll try to confirm the publication date with you ahead of the blog going live.

Once it has been published, you’ll be able to view, comment and share it at alzheimers.org.uk/blog

Your blog may be promoted on our digital channels, including our official social media accounts and email newsletters.

And that’s it! If you have any questions, please contact our Blog team.

Share your story with us

Email us with your story, or read examples of other people's real stories.

Email us Read real stories