Deputyship for people living with dementia
Find out what it means to be a deputy for a person living with dementia in England or Wales, including who can be a deputy and what it involves.
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- How to apply to become a deputy for a person with dementia
- Becoming a deputy - useful organisations
Page contents
- What is deputyship?
- Types of deputyship
- Why might someone need a deputy?
- Who can be a deputy?
- What does a deputy do?
- Limits to what a deputy can do
What is deputyship?
Deputyship is a way that someone becomes legally allowed to make certain decisions on another person’s behalf, if:
- the person no longer has the mental capacity to make those decisions for themself and
- the person has not made an LPA or EPA, which is still valid.
Deputies are appointed by the Court of Protection. This means that you must apply to this court if you want to become a deputy. The court will decide if you are suitable based on your application and the information that you provide.
Deputyships are only used in England and Wales. Read more about Controllership, which is used in Northern Ireland.
How to apply to become a deputy
Find out about the deputyship application process and what happens after you become a deputy.
Why would a person with dementia need a deputy?
As dementia progresses, a person may lose their ability – known as ‘mental capacity’ – to make some decisions for themselves.
For example, they may no longer be able to make decisions about:
- needing more care
- where to live
- what medical treatment to have
- paying bills.
In these cases, someone else can make these decisions for the person, as long as they have the legal status to do so.
Some people with dementia will already have planned ahead for when they cannot make certain decisions. They may have made:
- an advance decision to refuse a particular medical treatment
- an advance statement setting out their wishes and preferences for the future
- a will (or updated their existing will following their diagnosis).
They may also have put a Lasting power of attorney (LPA) or an Enduring power of attorney (EPA) in place. These are legal documents that allow a person with dementia to choose who they would like to make certain decisions for them in the future, if they cannot make these decisions for themself.
If the person with dementia no longer has mental capacity to put an LPA or EPA in place, and you want to make certain decisions on the person’s behalf (because they can no longer make those decisions for themself), you will need to apply to become their deputy.
Who can be a deputy?
A deputy is usually a family member or friend of the person who can no longer make certain decisions. If this isn’t possible, a professional, such as a solicitor or an accountant, can act as the person’s deputy.
Can a person with dementia have more than one deputy?
It is possible for a person to have two or more deputies. You may find deputyship easier if you have another deputy to make decisions with. If there are two or more deputies, they can make decisions either:
- together (‘joint deputyship’) – this means that all the deputies have to agree on the decision
- separately or together (‘jointly and severally’) – this means that deputies can make decisions on their own or with other deputies.
If you are not sure which would be best, you can get advice from a solicitor or speak to the OPG.
What does a deputy have to do?
If you are thinking of becoming a deputy and making decisions on behalf of a person with dementia, it is important to understand the duties of this role. You will have to:
- act in the person’s best interests – this includes thinking about the person’s past and present wishes and feelings
- make decisions carefully and with as much knowledge as possible – this may involve talking to the person, to people who know them or to professional experts
- not take advantage of the person with dementia – for example, using something they own for yourself or for your own profit
- not give your duties to someone else, unless your deputyship says you can – this means that only you can make the final decision on behalf of the person. However, you can talk to other people about it and get advice
- act in good faith – this means acting with honesty and integrity
- respect the person’s confidentiality – this means not sharing details of the person’s finances, property and health conditions, unless you need to in order to act in their best interests
- follow the instructions of the Court of Protection.
If you are a deputy for property and affairs, you also have a duty to:
- keep financial accounts
- keep the person’s money and property separate from your own – for example, by using separate bank accounts.
The OPG can provide support, guidance and information once you are appointed as deputy.
Supporting the person to make decisions
As a deputy, you should consider the person’s mental capacity every time a decision needs to be made. This is important as the person’s mental capacity can change. They may be able to make a certain decision at one time but not at another.
Equally, if a person is unable to make a certain decision, they may still be able to make a different type of decision at this time. You should not assume that the person is unable to make all decisions at all times.
For every decision you need to make on behalf of the person, you should first do what you can to support them to make the decision for themself. For example, you could try presenting the information that is needed to make the decision in a different way, like using pictures instead of words.
When you are making decisions on behalf of the person, you should still involve them as much as possible. If you can, explain to the person what is happening and listen to what they say.
Managing the person's money
If you are a deputy for property and affairs, you are likely to need to access the person’s bank account as part of your role – for example, to pay their bills.
The way you do this will be different depending on the bank the person uses. Normally, the bank will note on the person’s existing account that you are their deputy. You should then be given a bank card and be allowed to sign cheques for the person. This will enable you to make payments out of the person’s bank account on their behalf.
Providing a deputy annual report
As a deputy, you will have to provide a deputyship report to the Court of Protection every year. This gives the court information about the decisions that you have made on behalf of the person with dementia.
If you are a personal welfare deputy, your report will include information about any medical treatment the person has had in that year and their care arrangements.
If you are a deputy for property and affairs, your report will need to provide information about the person’s financial transactions in the year. This will include:
- any gifts made
- any property the person has bought or sold
- the cost of their care arrangements.
It should also provide financial accounts for the court to approve. You may be asked to provide evidence, such as bank statements.
The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) will offer you guidance on how to do this and can provide copies of the forms that you will need to complete. You can use the OPG's online reporting service instead of completing paper forms. This can help with recordkeeping throughout the year. If you have any queries, you can contact the OPG for support.
Are there limits to what a deputy can do?
A deputy’s ability to make decisions on behalf of the person should be as limited as is reasonably possible. This means that, if you are a deputy, you should only have the decision-making ability that you need to have and no more than this.
If you are appointed as deputy, the deputyship order will explain the decisions that you can and can’t make in your role.
There are also some limits on what a deputy can do. A deputy cannot:
- make a decision for the person if the person can make the
- decision themself
- restrain the person, except in very particular circumstances to prevent
- them from harm
- make a decision that goes against a decision made under any existing LPA
- refuse life-sustaining treatment for a person who lacks capacity to consent to it
- make gifts, except in very limited circumstances.
Every deputyship order is different and it may contain further limits on the deputy’s abilities. For example, the court may place a limit on how much can be spent in a single transaction, or a cap on how much can be spent over a certain period of time.
How to apply to become a deputy for a person with dementia
Interested in becoming a deputy?
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A property and affairs deputyship is the most common type. It is used to make decisions about a person’s property and financial affairs, if they can no longer do this for themself. This might include:
If the person doesn’t have any property or savings and their only income is from benefits, they do not need a deputy. This is because their benefits can be managed by someone appointed by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) – this person is known as an ‘appointee’. For more information see the government website.
A personal welfare deputyship can be used to make decisions about a person’s care and medical treatment, if they can no longer do this themself. These decisions might include whether the person moves into residential care or whether they should have a particular operation.
Personal welfare deputies are only rarely appointed. Examples might include situations where:
When deciding whether to appoint a personal welfare deputy, the Court of Protection will look at the circumstances and consider what’s in the person’s best interests.
Most often, personal welfare deputyships are not needed. This is because care and treatment decisions can usually be made on a case-by-case basis by the professionals providing the care. These professionals can use their skills and knowledge of the person to make these decisions in the person’s best interests.
When this happens, the professionals should involve those who are close to the person in any decision-making. They should also involve the person with dementia as much as possible and take account of their wishes and feelings.
If you disagree with the professionals about what is in the person’s best interests, you can ask the court to make the decision or to appoint a personal welfare deputy to make the decision.