Share your story

If you're ready to tell your story, we want your voice to be heard.

Help bring dementia out from behind closed doors and tell us, what is your reality of dementia?

It will take society to beat dementia. We’ll take your stories to those who need to hear them most, to help make dementia the political priority it deserves to be.

Share your story now
My partner had a brain hemorrhage and was fitted with a device to drain excess fluid from her brain. When she started to show signs of dementia the doctors kept...
I was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease in 2011. I...
Dementia Action Week supporter
Yes my husband took ages to be diagnosed with...
My husband has Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). He...
I have a very long painful story but will keep this...
We noticed my mum becoming forgetful. My Mum and me...
One of my sisters said I was forgetting things sometimes. I began to realise she was right. I was diagnosed at the bottom of the ladder. I started to buy lots of...
My story is about my beautiful dad. Dad was diagnosed...
This disease has a massive impact on families NHS and social Care . Caring for someone with dementia is 24/7 job and extremely demanding mental health is so under...
I was concerned that my husband's memory was deteriorating sorted advice from GP.4yrsago was referred to memory clinic and told to contact them about further...
Dementia Action Week supporter
My husband was diagnosed with frontal lobe dementia...
"You're not David," my mother said to me. "David is my little baby and he's lying at home in his cot, waiting to be fed. But they won't let me out and he'll starve if...

Share your story

Help bring dementia out from behind closed doors and tell us, what is your reality of dementia?

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